
Video Summarization & Audio Synchronization Tool for resume video ( long mp4 to short mp4 or Mp4 to text )

Primary LanguagePython

Project: Video Summarization and Audio Synchronization

This project is a Python-based tool that processes a video (either locally or online), extracts and summarizes the audio, and generates a new video with the summarized audio. The project can handle various video formats and provides a streamlined way to condense long videos into shorter, summarized versions.


Media Type Initial Version Summarized Version
Text "you must manage your emotions you got to master the order taking the L is being a boss you going to lose you going to win you know so you got to be able to grow and take from from whatever the situation is regardless of what it is and sometimes I may not be the best at dealing with my emotions sometimes I do it's like that though I leave my door open for good business" '"Sometimes I may not be the best at dealing with my emotions sometimes I do it's like that though I leave my door open for good business" "You got to be able to grow and take from from whatever the situation is regardless of what it is"'
Video Initial Video Summarized Video

Directory Structure

├── config/
│   ├── requirements.txt  # List of required Python packages
├── ./
│   ├── main.py           # Main script that runs the entire process
│   ├── functions.py      # Contains all the helper functions for processing
├── media/
│   ├── input_video/      # Folder to store input videos
│   ├── output_video/     # Folder to store the final summarized video
│   ├── audio/            # Folder to store audio files generated during processing
├── README.md             # This readme file
└── .gitignore            # Git ignore file to exclude unnecessary files


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/dassimanuel000/resume-video.git
    cd resume-video
  2. Install Dependencies : Ensure you have Python installed, and then install the required Python packages:

    PYTHON 3.8
    pip install -r ./requirements.txt


To use the project, run the main.py script with the following command:

python main.py

Example Usage

When prompted, enter the video URL (either a local file path or an online video link):

Enter your video URL (eg: file:///video.mp4 | https://website.com/video.mp4): 

The script will:

  1. Download the video (if online).
  2. Convert the video to audio.
  3. Transcribe the audio to text.
  4. Summarize the transcribed text.
  5. Generate a new audio file with the summarized text.
  6. Create a new video using the summarized audio.

The final summarized video will be saved in the media/output_video/ directory.

Additional Instructions

  • The project relies on several Python packages listed in the requirements.txt file. Ensure all dependencies are installed by running:

    pip install -r config/requirements.txt
  • All outputs (audio files, summarized videos) are stored in the media/ directory under their respective subdirectories (audio, output_video).


This project was developed by [Your Name]. Feel free to reach out for any questions or contributions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.