
Lance Summer, Software Developer + Sound Designer

Primary LanguageHTML


I am a Full Stack Developer with experience in Springboot, Express, React, and Electron. I have built internal workflow and operations software for companies.
As a sound designer I have experience in Interactive Sound Design, UI/UX experience design, Audio Engineering, and Game Development. I have a passion for creating immersive audio experiences and audible cues to describe the users current state.

Email: ssummer.lance@gmail.com


Web Applications || Standalone Programs || Sound Design / Game Development || UI / UX Sound Design

Web Applications

Web application build to batch convert midi files from one cc mapping to another

  • Simple drag and drop re-mapping.
  • Built with Express backend and pure javascript frontend

Languages: Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Express

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="ipPXdNRYEMs" %}

Nursery Dashboard

Internal web app built for Nursery supply company to track vendors and team members.

  • Built for start up company and used as proof of concept, leading to a secured deal.
  • Built with SpringMVC and MySQL database.

Languages: Java, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Springboot

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="OWReb-MpHrc" %}

Trello Scanner

Web App built for top US earning historic antique furniture dealer, California Historical Design. Used as an inventory management tool for a Trello based inventory system.

  • Used to scan items between storage and display locations.
  • Built with SpringMVC and MySQL database.
  • JS based QR scanner.

Languages: Java, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Springboot

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="wuRdBWV2NWk" %}


up-dio is a collaborative audio file sharing web application.

  • Developed web app with SpringMVC and MySQL database.
  • Deployed using Docker, AWS Elastic Cloud Compute, and AWS Load Balancer
  • Built with Java back-end and JSP front-end.

Languages: Java, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Springboot

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="GrithpTAtv4" %}


Thrifty Friend is a web app used to track average prices of items on ebay over time.

  • Lead 4 person team in development.
  • Built the back-end and used the implemented ebay API to write the main business logic.
  • Built with SpringMVC and MySQL database.

Languages: Java, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Springboot

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="TlmJSB87SXo" %}

Seed-io | Live Demo

Simple web application made to create custom seed mix for Hamsters and other Rodent pets.

  • Webscraping of standard nutritional information.
  • Printable PDF exports.

Languages: Javascript, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Express

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="27mTPwNIXcA" %}

Palette Generator | Live Demo

Simple web application made to create color palettes for UI/UX design.

  • Multi-shades of chooseable colors.
  • Exportable as CSS color variables.

Languages: Javascript, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Express

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="Ow7M4K8iHPM" %}

MO2 Calculator | Live Demo

Simple web application made to calculate mineral values for game "Mortal Online".

  • Data pulled from game logs.
  • Persistent data stored in browser.

Languages: Javascript, Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Express

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="8VPfjGig_-I" %}

Standalone Programs

Iterative audio/video file tracker

  • Scans any file storage structure.
  • Quickly audition and export preferred file versions

Languages: Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Electron

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="vivRo8Ecqfo" %}

Electron Macro

Standalone application to write and run keyboard/mouse macros.

  • Runs in background behind fullscreen programs.
  • Programmable global shortcuts.
  • Cross-platform for Mac and Windows

Languages: Javascript, Html, Css

Framework: Electron

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="AfBGi4XF4TY" %}

EC2 Utility

Standalone application to manage linux based EC2 instances and quickly generate commands for SSH and SCP.

  • Stores EC2 instance information.
  • Quickly SSH to connect to server to SCP to copy local files on to the server.

Languages: Java, Html, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="rICAnAttACY" %}


Application used to sequentially number files.

  • Add or remove numbers from files.
  • Drag and drop files to re-order numbering.
  • Add in partially numbered lists to auto re-number.

Languages: Java, Html, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="RK8YsZLTDLM" %}


Application used to quickly change the current version of Java running on your machine.

  • Quickly copy in terminal commands to change version.

Languages: Java, Html, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="TN3R9ff6xAM" %}

BCrypt Standalone

Standalone UI for BCrypt encryption library.

  • Hash and de-hash passwords for test use in DB.

Languages: Java, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="UtOowC4NNkI" %}


A sound board style controller for spotify playlists. Intended for live events

  • Built with Spotify API
  • Unity Project
  • Redirect page built with html, js, and handlebars

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="D4M5K6GL2-A" %}


A program to automate mouse and keyboard button presses.

  • Works on top of other programs
  • Save multiple lists of macros in profiles.
  • Bind Macros to mouse or keyboard buttons.

Languages: Java, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="6El8sqHkA5w" %}

Artillery Calculator

Calculate Meters into Mils for artillery calculations in Mil-Sim games like Squad and Hell Let Loose.

  • Works on top of game windows.
  • Seperate calculations for Russian team in Hell Let Loose.

Languages: Java, Css

Framework: JavaFX

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="Zb--BgydeV0" %}

UI/UX Sound Design


UI/UX Sound Design for Virtual Reality menu setup.

  • Create audible feedback to guide user through success and failure of functions and input.
  • Unity Project.
  • UI Made by QClay.

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="QG572TQjJlQ" %}


UI/UX Sound Design for digital board gaming platform Taptop(formerly PlayTable).

  • Main menu, app store, and mobile UI/UX SFX design and implementation.
  • Create audible feedback to guide user through success and failure of functions and input.
  • Create audible personality to match the visual queues and design of the platform.
  • Worked closely with UI/UX Designer.

Languages: Java

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="U637rv5570c" %}

8 Hour Wallet

UI/UX Sound Design for mobile Crypto wallet app.

  • Create audible feedback to guide user through success and failure of functions and input.
  • Unity Project.

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="NDJmJEYMVag" %}

Sound Design / Game Development


Sound Design for licensed digital adaptation of popular board game.

  • For use on TapTop digital board gaming console.
  • Built with Unity

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="WEWQsTV6rzo" %}


Sound Design for licensed digital adaptation of popular board game.

  • For use on TapTop digital board gaming console.
  • Built with Unity

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="s-ykAoySTLg" %}

Ticket To Ride

Sound Design for licensed digital adaptation of popular board game.

  • For use on TapTop digital board gaming console.
  • Built with Unity

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="ea1f-v037po" %}


A test 2D side scrolling game made in unity.

  • AStar Pathfinding for AI characters
  • Unity 2018.3.14

Languages: C#

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="RC2IU4fXJtY" %}

LowPoly survival test

A low poly survival type game built in Unreal Engine

  • Blender used for character and enviornment modeling
  • UE 4

Languages: Unreal Blueprints

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="gPr9bn2zIhw" %}

Steel Resurrection

An RTS/MMO game built in Unreal based around factions of WW2

  • Built with Unreal Engine 4
  • Sound design with Unreal blueprints and Fmod.

Languages: Unreal Blueprints

{% include youtubePlayer.html id="dYWHkaKzRfI" %}