
Twitter analytics and visualization tool

Primary LanguageRuby



PoliTweets provides greater visibility into nationally trending hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter or #IStandWithAhmed by breaking down the prevalence or scarcity of one or more hashtags tweeted by state.


Twitter highlights daily trending topics with hashtags based on the user's perceived preferences or their chosen location. What if a twitter user wants to see how these national trends break down by state or region? There is currently no clear or efficient way to accomplish this.


PoliTweets further breaks down national trending topics by allowing a user to see a hashtag's popularity by state with clear data visualization tools.

Target Audience

Researchers, journalists, marketers, or simply political junkies on twitter.


  • PoliTweets uses the Twitter REST API, integrates with Twitter OAuth, and uses the 'geocoder' gem to help find and normalize each Twitter user location