
Vue.js 2 grid components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue Tables 2

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  • Vue.js (>=2.0)
  • Server Side: axios OR vue-resource (>=0.9.0) OR jQuery for the AJAX requests


  • Vuex (>=2.0)
  • Bootstrap 3 compatible html output


npm install vue-tables-2

Require the script:

import {ServerTable, ClientTable, Event} from 'vue-tables-2';

Register the component(s)

Vue.use(ClientTable, [options], [useVuex], [customTemplate]);


Vue.use(ServerTable, [options], [useVuex], [customTemplate]);
  • useVuex is a boolean indicating whether to use vuex for state management, or manage state on the component itself. If you set it to true you must add a name prop to your table, which will be used to to register a module on your store. Use vue-devtools to look under the hood and see the current state.

  • customTemplate argument allows you to pass a custom template for the entire table. You can find the main template file under lib/template.js, which in turn requires the partials in the template folder. The template is written using jsx, so you will need a jsx compiler to modify it (the package is using the compiled version under the compiled folder). Copy it to your project and modify to your needs.

Note: The template file is a function that receives a source parameter (client or server). E.g:

Vue.use(ClientTable, {}, false, require('./template.js')('client'))

Client Side

Add the following element to your page wherever you want it to render. Make sure to wrap it with a parent element you can latch your vue instance into.

<div id="people">
  <v-client-table :data="tableData" :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-client-table>

Create a new Vue instance (You can also nest it within other components). An example works best to illustrate the syntax:

new Vue({
data: {
columns: ['id','name','age'],
tableData: [
{id:1, name:"John",age:"20"},
{id:2, name:"Jane",age:"24"},
{id:3, name:"Susan",age:"16"},
{id:4, name:"Chris",age:"55"},
{id:5, name:"Dan",age:"40"}
options: {
// see the options API

You can access the filtered dataset at any given moment by fetching the filteredData computed property of the table, using ref as a pointer (this.$refs.myTable.filteredData);

Important: when loading data asynchronously add a v-if conditional to the component along with some loaded flag, so it will only compile once the data is attached.

Server side

<div id="people">
  <v-server-table url="/people" :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-server-table>


new Vue({
el: "#people",
data: {
columns: ['id','name','age'],
options: {
// see the options API

All the data is passed in the following GET parameters:

  • query,
  • limit,
  • page,
  • orderBy,
  • ascending,
  • byColumn.

You need to return a JSON object with two properties:

  • data : array - An array of row objects with identical keys.
  • count: number - Total count before limit.

Note: If you are calling a foreign API or simply want to use your own keys, refer to the responseAdapter option.

Custom Request Function

by default the library supports JQuery, vue-resource and axios as ajax libraries. If you wish to use a different library, or somehow alter the request (e.g add auth headers, or manipulate the data) use the requestFunction option. E.g:

  requestFunction: function(data) {
    return axios.get(this.url, { params: data }).catch(function (e) {
      this.dispatch('error', e);


I have included an Eloquent implementation for Laravel Users.

If you happen to write other implementations for PHP or other languages, a pull request would be most welcome, under the following guidelines:

  1. Include the class under ./server/{language}.
  2. Name it according to convention: {concrete}VueTables.
  3. if this is the first implementation in this language add an interface similar to the one found in the PHP folder.
  4. Have it implement the interface.
  5. TEST IT.


Templates allow you to wrap your cells with vue-compiled HTML.

Their syntax is similar to that of render functions, as it leverages the virtual DOM to bind the templates into the main table template.


It is recommended to use JSX, which closely resembles HTML, to write the templates (To compile jsx you need to install the vue jsx transform).


data : {
columns: ['erase'],
options: {
templates: {
erase: function(h, row) {
return <delete id={row.id}></delete>

The first parameter is the h scope used to compile the element. It MUST be called h. The second parameter gives you access to the row data. In addition a this context will be available, which refers to the root vue instance. This allows you to call your own instance methods directly. Note: when using a .vue file jsx must be imported from a dedicated .jsx file in order to compile correctly. E.g


export default function(h, row) {
return <a class='fa fa-edit' href={'#/' + row.id + '/edit'}></a>


  import edit from './edit'

  templates: {

Vue Component

A Second option to for creating templates is to encapsulate the template within a component and pass the name. The component must have a data property, which will receive the row object. E.g:

Vue.component('delete', {
template:`<a class='delete' @click='erase'></a>`,
erase() {
let id = this.data.id; // delete the item
options: {
templates: {
erase: 'delete'

This method allows you to also use single page .vue files for displaying the template data E.g: edit.vue

  <a class="fa fa-edit" :href="edit(data.id)">Edit</a>
  export default {


  import edit from './edit'


Scoped Slots

If you are using Vue 2.1.0 and above, you can use scoped slots to create templates:

<v-client-table :data="entries" :columns="['id', 'name' ,'age', 'edit']">
  <template slot="edit" scope="props">
      <a class="fa fa-edit" :href="edit(props.row.id)"></a>


  • To use components in your templates they must be declared globally using Vue.component().
  • Templates must be declared in the columns prop

Note: Don't include HTML directly in your dataset, as it will be parsed as plain text.

CSS Note: to center the pagination apply text-align:center to the wrapping element

Child Rows

Child rows allow for a custom designed output area, namely a hidden child row underneath each row, whose content you are free to set yourself.

When using the childRow option you must pass a unqiue id property for each row, which is used to track the current state. If your identifer key is not id, use the uniqueKey option to set it.

The syntax is identincal to that of templates:

childRow: function(h, row) {
return <div>My custom content for row {row.id}</div>

Or you can pass a component name: (See Templates above for a complete example)

childRow: 'row-component'

When the plugin detects a childRow function it appends the child rows and prepends to each row an additional toggler column with a span you can design to your liking.

Example styling (also found in style.css):

.VueTables__child-row-toggler {
line-height: 16px;
display: block;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;

.VueTables__child-row-toggler--closed::before {
content: "+";

.VueTables__child-row-toggler--open::before  {
content: "-";

You can also trigger the child row toggler programmtically. E.g, to toggle the row with an id of 4:

this.$refs.myTable.toggleChildRow(4); // replace myTable with your own ref


Call methods on your instance using the ref attribute.

  • setPage(page)
  • setLimit(recordsPerPage)
  • setOrder(column, isAscending)
  • setFilter(query) - query should be a string, or an object if filterByColumn is set to true.
  • refresh() Server component only


Using Custom Events (For child-parent communication):

<v-server-table :columns="columns" url="/getData" @loaded="onLoaded"></v-server-table>
  • Using the event bus:
Event.$on('vue-tables.loaded', function (data) {
// Do something

Note: If you are using the bus and want the event to be "namespaced", so you can distinguish bewteen different tables on the same page, use the name prop. The event name will then take the shape of vue-tables.tableName.eventName.

  • Using Vuex:
['tableName/LOADED'] (state, data) {
// Do something
  • vue-tables.filter / tableName/FILTER

Fires off when a filter is changed. Sends through the name and value in case of column filter, or just the value in case of the general filter

  • vue-tables.filter::colName

Same as above, only this one has the name attached to the event itself, and only sends through the value. Releveant only for non-vuex tables with filterByColumn set to true.

  • vue-tables.loading / tableName/LOADING (server)

Fires off when a request is sent to the server. Sends through the request data.

  • vue-tables.loaded / tableName/LOADED (server)

Fires off after the response data has been attached to the table. Sends through the response.

You can listen to those complementary events on a parent component and use them to add and remove a loading indicator, respectively.

  • vue-tables.pagination / tableName/PAGINATION

Fires off whenever the user changes a page. Send through the page number.

  • vue-tables.error / tableName/ERROR (server)

Fires off if the server returns an invalid code. Sends through the error

  • vue-tables.row-click / tableName/ROW_CLICK

Fires off after a row was clicked. sends through the row and the mouse event. When using the client component, if you want to recieve the original row, so that it can be directly mutated, you must have a unique row identifier. The key defaults to id, but can be changed using the uniqueKey option.

Custom Filters

Custom filters allow you to integrate your own filters into the plugin using Vue's events system.

Client Side Filters

  1. use the customFilters option to declare your filters, following this syntax:
customFilters: [{
callback: function(row, query) {
return row.name[0] == query;
  1. Using the event bus:
Event.$emit('vue-tables.filter::alphabet', query);
  1. Using vuex:
this.$store.commit('myTable/SET_CUSTOM_FILTER', {filter:'alphabet', value:query})

Server Side Filters

A. use the customFilters option to declare your filters, following this syntax:

customFilters: ['alphabet','age-range']

B. the same as in the client component.

List Filters

When filtering by column (option filterByColumn:true), the listColumns option allows for filtering columns whose values are part of a list, using a select box instead of the default free-text filter.

For example:

options: {
filterByColumn: true,
listColumns: {
animal: [
{ id: 1, text: 'Dog' },
{ id: 2, text: 'Cat' },
{ id: 3, text: 'Tiger' },
{ id: 4, text: 'Bear' }

Note: The values of this column should correspond to the id's passed to the list. They will be automatically converted to their textual representation.

Custom Sorting

Client Side Sorting

Sometimes you may one to override the default sorting logic which is applied uniformly to all columns. To do so use the customSorting option. This is an object that recieves custom logic for specific columns. E.g, to sort the name column by the last character:

name: function(ascending) {
return function(a, b) {
var lastA = a.name[a.name.length-1].toLowerCase();
var lastB = b.name[b.name.length-1].toLowerCase();

if (ascending)
return lastA <= lastB?1:-1;

return lastA >= lastB?1:-1;

Server Side Sorting

This depends entirely on your backend implemetation as the library sends the sorting direction trough the request.

Multiple Sorting

Multiple sorting allows you to sort recursively by multiple columns. Simply put, when the primary column (i.e the column the user is currently sorting) has two or more identical items, their order will be determined by a secondary column, and so on, until the list of columns is exhausted.

Example usage:


The above code means that when the user is sorting by name and identical names are compared, their order will be determined by the age column. If the ages are also identical the birth_date column will determine the order. The matchDir property tells the plugin whether the secondary sorting should match the direction of the primary column (i.e ascending/descending), or not.

In addition to programmatically setting the sorting in advance, by default the user can also use Shift+Click to build his own sorting logic in real time. To disable this option set clientMultiSorting to false.

On the server component this behaviour is disabled by default, because it requires addtional server logic to handle the request. To enable it set serverMultiSorting to true. The request will then contain a multiSort array, if applicable.


Slots allow you to insert you own custom HTML in predefined positions within the component:

  • beforeFilters: Before the filters row
  • afterFilters: After the filters row
  • beforeBody: Before the <tbody> tag
  • afterBody: After the <tbody> tag
  • prependBody: Prepend to the <tbody> tag
  • appendBody: Append to the <tbody> tag

In addition to these slots you can insert your own filter HTML in the filters row (When filterByColumn is set to true):

A. Make sure that the column is not filterable by omitting it from the filterable array. B. Create a slot whose name is formatted filter__{column} (double underscore).

For example, to insert a checkbox on the id column:

  filterable:["name","age"] // omit the `id` column
 <div slot="filter__id">
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-control" v-model='allMarked' @change="markAll()">


Options are set in three layers, where the more particular overrides the more general.

  1. Pre-defined component defaults.
  2. Applicable user-defined defaults for the global Vue Instance. Passed as the second paramter to the Use statement.
  3. Options for a single table, passed through the options prop.
Option Type Description Default
childRow Function See documentation false
clientMultiSorting Boolean Enable multiple columns sorting using Shift + Click on the client component true
columnsClasses Object Add class(es) to the specified columns.
Takes key-value pairs, where the key is the column name and the value is a string of space-separated classes
columnsDisplay Object Responsive display for the specified columns.

Columns will only be shown when the window width is within the defined limits.

Accepts key-value pairs of column name and device.

Possible values are mobile (x < 480), mobileP (x < 320), mobileL (320 <= x < 480), tablet (480 <= x < 1024), tabletP (480 <= x < 768), tabletL (768 <= x < 1024), desktop (x >= 1024).

All options can be preceded by the logical operators min,max, and not followed by an underscore.

For example, a column which is set to not_mobile will be shown when the width of the window is greater than or equal to 480px, while a column set to max_tabletP will only be shown when the width is under 768px
customFilters Array See documentation []
customSorting (client-side) Object See documentation {}
dateColumns Array Use daterangepicker as a filter for the specified columns (when filterByColumn is set to true).

Dates should be passed as moment objects, or as strings in conjunction with the toMomentFormat option
dateFormat (client-side) String Format to display date objects. Using momentjs DD/MM/YYYY
datepickerOptions Object Options for the daterangepicker when using a date filter (see dateColumns) { locale: { cancelLabel: 'Clear' } }
debounce Number Number of idle milliseconds (no key stroke) to wait before sending a request. Used to detect when the user finished his query in order to avoid redundant requests (server) or rendering (client) 500
filterable Array / Boolean Filterable columns true - All columns. Set to false or an empty array to hide the filter(s)
footerHeadings Boolean Display headings at the bottom of the table too false
headings Object Table headings. Can be either a string or a function, if you wish to inject vue-compiled HTML.
E.g: function(h) { return <h2>Title</h2>}
Note that this example uses jsx, and not HTML.
The this context inside the function refers to the direct parent of the table instance.
If you are using vue 2.1 and above you can also use scoped slots, naming the slot "h__{column}"
The default rule is to extract from the first row properties with the underscores become spaces and the first letter capitalized
headingsTooltips Object Table headings tooltips. Can be either a string or a function, if you wish to inject vue-compiled HTML. Renders as title attribute of <th>.
E.g: function(h) { return 'Expanded Title'}
The this context inside the function refers to the direct parent of the table instance.
highlightMatches Boolean Highlight matches false
initFilters Object Set initial values for all filter types: generic, by column or custom.

Accepts an object of key-value pairs, where the key is one of the following:

a. "GENERIC" - for the generic filter
b. column name - for by column filters.
c. filter name - for custom filters.

In case of date filters the date range should be passed as an object comprised of start and end properties, each being a moment object.
listColumns Object See documentation {}
multiSorting (client-side) Object See documentation {}
orderBy.ascending Boolean initial order direction orderBy: { ascending:true }
orderBy.column String initial column to sort by First column
pagination.chunk Number maximum pages in a chunk of pagination pagination: { chunk:10 }
pagination.dropdown Boolean use a dropdown select pagination next to the records-per-page list, instead of links at the bottom of the table. pagination: { dropdown:false }
params (server-side) Object Additional parameters to send along with the request {}
perPage number Initial records per page 10
perPageValues Array Records per page options [10,25,50,100]
requestAdapter (server-side) Function Set a custom request format function(data) { return data; }
requestFunction (server-side) Function Set a custom request function See documentation
requestKeys (server-side) Object Set your own request keys { query:'query', limit:'limit', orderBy:'orderBy', ascending:'ascending', page:'page', byColumn:'byColumn' }
responseAdapter (server-side) Function Transform the server response to match the format expected by the client. This is especially useful when calling a foreign API, where you cannot control the response on the server-side function(resp) { return { data: resp.data, count: resp.count } }
rowClassCallback Function Add dynamic classes to table rows.

E.g function(row) { return row-${row.id}}

This can be useful for manipulating the appearance of rows based on the data they contain
saveState Boolean Constantly save table state and reload it each time the component mounts. When setting it to true, use the name prop to set an identifier for the table false
serverMultiSorting Boolean Enable multiple columns sorting using Shift + Click on the server component false
skin String Space separated Bootstrap table styling classes table-striped table-bordered table-hover
sortIcon String Sort icon classes { base:'glyphicon', up:'glyphicon-chevron-up', down:'glyphicon-chevron-down' }
sortable Array Sortable columns All columns
storage String Which persistance mechanism should be used when saveState is set to true: local - localStorage. session - sessionStorage local
templates Object See documentation {}
texts Object Table default labels:

{ count:'Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records {count} records One record', filter:'Filter Results:',filterPlaceholder:'Search query', limit:'Records:', noResults:'No matching records', page:'Page:', // for dropdown pagination filterBy: 'Filter by {column}', // Placeholder for search fields when filtering by column loading:'Loading...', // First request to server defaultOption:'Select {column}' // default option for list filters }
toMomentFormat (client-side) String transform date columns string values to momentjs objects using this format. If this option is not used the consumer is expected to pass momentjs objects himself false
uniqueKey String The key of a unique identifier in your dataset, used to track the child rows, and return the original row in row click event id

Note: You can check this demo of the Client Side implementation and a nicer way to go over the options.

VueJS 1

Users of VueJS 1 should use this package .