
Tip calculator app for Android

Primary LanguageKotlin

Tip Calculator

Dean Stratakos

October 11, 2020

Tippy computes the tip and total amount for a bill. The app uses the base amount and tip percentage to calculate the amount owed, and it also describes the quality of service based on the tip.

Time spent: 18 hours spent in total


The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can enter in a bill amount (total amount to tip on)
  • User can enter a tip percentage (what % the user wants to tip).
  • The tip and total amount are updated immediately when any of the inputs changes.
  • The user sees a label or color update based on the tip amount.

The following extensions are implemented:

  • A second screen allows the user to see their payment history.
    • Two buttons on the main screen let the user save the current payment and view the past history.
  • The total amount can be rounded up to the nearest dollar.
    • Doing so will recompute the tip amount and tip percentage based on the rounded total.
    • Tapping the round switch again will restore the total based on the original tip percentage.
    • Editing the base amount or tip percentage manually will reset the round switch to the default.
  • Users have the ability to split the bill among 1-15 people.
    • Changing the split updates the Per Person cost immediately.
  • The base view starts at $0.00 and updates with user input, keeping the currency formatting. E.g. $0.00 -> $0.09 -> $0.95 -> $9.53.
    • The default values for base, tip, total, and per person are $0.00.
  • The keyboard hides when the user interacts with the progress bars.
  • The app has a custom color scheme.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:


The main challenges when building this app occurred when implementing the second activity, or screen, that allows users to view their payment history. I spent time conceptualizing how I would build, store, and update my data structure to store payment objects. After I had created the data strucutre, I had to figure out how to pass the information from the main screen to the history screen. This exercise was a great opportunity for me to learn about intents, which communicate between multiple activities and allow data to be transferred from one activity to another.

Furthermore, I implemented a RecyclerView to display the list of payments, which presented its own set of challenges. In doing so, I created an adapter for the recycler as well as a separate .xml file to format a single view element within the list.

With more time, I would implement persistence so that information could be stored indefinitely. A simple solution would be to use a local file whereas more involved solutions would use either a local SQLite or a remote Firebase database. I would also have a better indication of when a payment was saved either by inactivating the button and changing its color, or displaying a popup window. Lastly, I could also implement a reset button to set the inputs back to their default values.


Copyright 2020 Dean Stratakos

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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