
An implementation ofr Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithmn for 3D Bin Packing Problem.

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Tutorial of BRKGA for 3D-Bin Packing Problem

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Problem Description
  3. Methodology
  4. Visualization
  5. Conclusion


This repository provides a tutorial on the implementation of the Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithmn for 3D Bin Packing Problem. It is inspired by the heuristic and design proposed in the paper "A biased random key genetic algorithm for 2D and 3D bin packing problems" by Gonçalves & Resende (2013). I created this tutorial as a practical application for the course "Operations Research Applications and Implementation (IM5059 2020-Spring)" taught by Professor Chia-Yen Lee at National Taiwan University.

(Update in 10.2023)


We'll begin by outlining the problem statement for the 3D Bin Packing Problem (3D-BPP), an extension of a classic NP-hard problem of (1D) bin packing problem. Then we'll delve into the Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) and the Placement Strategy as put forth in the aforementioned paper, supplemented with code snippets and illustrative examples. To conclude, we'll showcase visualizations of sample solutions.



  • Mostly implemented with NumPy that can commonly be found in most Python distributions. No other external libraries is required.

  • It is recommended that readers possess a foundational knowledge of genetic algorithms. This includes familiarity with concepts like chromosome representation, encoding and decoding processes, and evolutionary cycle. I recommend reading this article from Tutorialspoint.

Problem Description

Three Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem

Fig. example of bin packing problem, from [Gonçalves & Resende (2013)]

In 1D bin-packing problem, items with varying sizes are packed into multiple containers (called bins) usually of equal capacity. The primary objective is to minimize the number of bins used, which differentiates it from the multiple knapsack problem where the number of bins is fixed.

In three dimensional bin-packing problem (3D-BPP), we introduces additional spacial constaints, taking into account the length, width, height of an item. Items with different volumes must be orthogonally packed into fixed size bins without overlapping.

The problem is strongly NP-hard, as it generalizes from the 2D-bpp and 1D-bpp, both of which are also NP-hard. This implies that there are no known polynomial-time solutions for this problem. Even though a mixed-integer programming formulation exists that can guarantee an optimal solution, a faster heuristic is often preferred due to the computational intensity of such methods.

With this in mind, the genetic algorithm, a prevalent heuristic for combinatorial problems, can be employed to address the problem in a reasonable timeframe. However, it's important to note that this approach does not guarantee an optimal solution.

Problem Definition

  • A set of n rectangular items (boxes). Each item i has dimensions $(d_i, w_i, h_i)$, representing width, height, and depth.
  • A set of identical bins (containers) with demensions $(W_j, H_j, D_j)$ represeting dimensions of $j_{th}$ bin.

For this implementation, we use two array of tuples to denote dimensions of boxes and containers respectively. Here we relax the assumption of equal size container for generalization.

inputs: {
 # boxes with different shape
 'v': [(188, 28, 58), (61, 9, 79), (188, 28, 58), ..., (145, 80, 96)],
 # containers with fixed shape
 'V': [(610, 244, 259), .., (610, 244, 259)]


The proposed algorithm consists of two main components: Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA), and placement procedure heuristic. In essence, the algorithm encodes each solution (or packing scenario) using a sequence/vectors. This encoding allows genetic algorithm to search optimal solutions via selection.

In the following section, we will delve into the specifics of the BRKGA settings and the underlying concept of the placement procedure.

algorithmn architecture

Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithmn

The Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) is fundamentally a variation of the genetic algorithm (GA) that incorporates the features of random-key representation and biased selection from the population pool.

Note: It's important to highlight that in most 3D-BPP papers, rather than detailing every coordinate of placed items, they focus on determining the optimal packing sequence (the specific order in which items are packed). This often follows a rule-based packing procedure, such as the Deepest Bottom-Left-Fill packing method.

By adopting these approaches, the solution's representation becomes significantly more streamlined, and, based on empirical evidence, high-quality solutions are often achieved. Furthermore, this packing sequence can invariably be translated into a viable packing scenario, eliminating concerns about coordinate overlaps. Consequently, there's no need for chromosome-repair in a GA iteration. Of course, these rule-based packing prcedure do not gaurantee an optimal way of packinig.

Random-Key Representation

The random key is a way to encode a chromosome (solution) as a vector of real numbers within $[0, 1]$. Let assume there are n items to be placed. The length of a random key will be 2n. We can initialize an solution as follow:

# random key representation
solution = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size= 2*n)

# e.g., there are 4 items to be packed, the frist n (=4) values of a random key may look like [0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.2] 

In each random-key, the first n genes encode the order of the n items to be packed, which is called Box Packing Sequence (BPS). We decode it by sorting it in ascending order of the corresponding gene values (Fig. 3). In NumPy, We can use the argsort method to obtain the indices of the sorted array.

# sort by ascending order
box_packing_sequence = np.argsort(solution[:n])

# e.g., after decoded, the BPS for the above example will be [0, 2, 3, 1].
# The first box will be packed first, and the third box the last.

Fig. 3. Decoding of the box packing sequence

Fig. 4. Box orientation

The last n genes of a random key encode the orientation of items - Vector of Box Orientations (VBO). In three dimension setting, there are in total six orientations (Fig. 4) to place a item. In some scenarios, items are limited by the vertical orientation (cannot be placed upside down). We can create a circular mapping for possible orientation using Python list. The decoding of each gene (called BO) in VBO is defined as:

selected orientation = BOs⌈BO×nBOs⌉

, where BO is the last n genes, BOs denotes all possible orientations allowed for that box, and nBOs is the number of BOs.

# value of BO
BO = 0.82

# posiible orientations
BOs = [1,2,3,4,5,6]  # remove 2, 5 to remove vertical orientations

# selected orientation
orientation = BOs[math.ceil(BO*len(BOs))] # orientation = 5

This mapping will ensure a BO value corresponds to a possible orientation.

In summary, BRKGA use a vector of real numbers to encode a solution. The first n genes represent box packing sequence (BPS), the order to pack the items. The rest n genes represent Vector of Box Orientations (VBO), the oreientation of those corresponding items. With a packing procedure that will be explained later, this vector can always be converted to a real packing scenario.

Biased Selection

In each generation, the population is partitioned into two group, Elite and Non-Elite, based on the fitness value. This biased selection will greatly influence operations in GA such as crossover and survivor selection that will be explained latter. For now, let's define a function to partition the population into elite and non-elite group.

def partition(population, fitness_list, num_elites):
    # sorted indices based on fitness value
    sorted_indexs = np.argsort(fitness_list)
    # return elite & non-elite group
    return population[sorted_indexs[:num_elites]], population[sorted_indexs[num_elites:]]

The fitness_list is the list of fitness value for all solutions after evaluation. After sorting, we can simply use NumPy indexing to partition two group.


In BRKGA, the parameterized uniform crossover is used to implement the crossover operation. For each mating, we always chose one parent from the Elite group and the other from the Non-Elite. Each offspring inherited i-th gene from either elite or non-elite based on a prespecified probality denoted as eliteCProb. This probability control the extend of favoring the inheritance from the elite parent.

def crossover(elite, non_elite):
    # initialize chromosome
    offspring = [0]*(2*n)

    # choose each gene from elite and non_elite
    for i in range(2*n):
      # inherit from elite with probability of eliteCProb
      if np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0) < eliteCProb:
          offspring][i] = elite[i]
          offspring][i] = non_elite[i]
    return offspring

def mating(self, elites, non_elites):
    offspring_list = []
    num_offspring = num_individuals - num_elites - num_mutants
    for i in range(num_offspring):
        # biased selection for parents: 1 elite & 1 non_elite
        offspring = crossover(random.choice(elites), random.choice(non_elites))
    return offspring_list

The number of offsprings (from crossover) is the complement ofthe number of individuals (num_individuals) and the number of mutants (num_mutants).


Instead of performing common mutation operation (e.g. swap mutation), the paper create entire new individuals to increase random noise into the population (complex problem require more noise, in a sense). Given the number of mutants, denoted as num_mutants, we can define a function to create new individuals like how we initialize the population.

def mutation(num_mutants):
    # return mutants
    return np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(num_mutants, 2*n))

Evolutionary Process

In each generation, all elite individuals survive and move to the next population without any modification; mutants and offsprings are also added to the next population. Then we will update the fitness value in each generation:

def evolutionary_process(n, num_generations, num_individuals, num_elites, num_mutants):
    # initialization
    ## initial poulation
    population = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(num_individuals, 2*n))
    ## calculate fitness function
    fitness_list = cal_fitness(population)
    ## minimum fitness value
    best_fitness = min(fitness_list)

    for g in range(num_generations):
        # seperate elite group & non-elite group
        elites, non_elites = partition(population, fitness_list, num_elites)
        # biased mating & crossover
        offsprings = mating(elites, non_elites)

        # generate mutants
        mutants = mutation(num_mutants)

        # next population
        population = np.concatenate((elites, mutants, offsprings), axis=0)
        # calculate fitness
        fitness_list = cal_fitness(population)

        # update minimum fitness value
        for fitness in fitness_list:
            if fitness < best_fitness:
                best_fitness = fitness

We have now discussed most mechanisms related to GA operations. The remaining piece of the puzzle is understanding how the fitness function is evaluated.

Even with the same packing order (BPS) and orientation (VBO), different packing strategies can yield varying results (e.g., you can prioritize putting items in the corder, or finishing a stack first; Like playing Tetris, you have different strategies). In the paper, we adopted Placement Procedure, a way to pack the items.

Placement Strategy

In terms of implementation and intricacy, the placement procedure is actually more complex than GA. In previous chapter, we use packing order to represent a packing scenario. In the evaulation phase, we still requires a coordinate system to reflect overlapping and out-of-bound condition for every items placed. The subsequent chapter will explain a placement method proposed in the paper.

First we explain how we model the coordinate system, and determine overlapping condition.

Maximal-Spaces Representation

The maximal-space is a way to represent a rectangular space by its minimum and maximum coordinats. This only works if all objects is placed orthogonally, as in this problem. For example, a box with shape of (10, 20, 30) placed in the origin can be encoded as:

# placed at origin (0,0)
MS = [(0,0,0), (10,20,30)]  # [min coordinats, max coordinates] or essentially [min coordinates, min coordinates + shape]

We can model the position of each item using this representation.

Empty Mximal-Space

Besides items, We need to model the remaining space. The heuristic — difference process (DP) — developed by Lai and Chan (1997) keeps track available spaces in the container after each box placement. The set of available empty space is called Empty Maximal-Spaces (EMSs). The algorithm goes as follow:

If one chose to place box at EMS from existing EMSs ($EMS \in EMSs$).

  1. Generate 6 new EMS from the intersection of the box with existing EMS and remove the intersected EMS from the set EMSs.
  2. Remove new EMS that have infinite thinness (no length in any dimension), or are totally inscribed by other EMSs
  3. Remove EMSs which are smaller than existing boxes to be placed.

For each pair of box (demote its space as ems) and intersected EMS in step 2., we can compute new EMSs as follow. Notice that there will be six empty space generated by the intersection in three dimentional space.

# Remember we use Maximal Space representation
# EMS = [
#  (x1, y1, z1),  ## minimum coordinates
#  (x2, y2, z2),  ## minimum coordinates

# minimem & maximum coordinates for intersected EMS
x1, y1, z1 = EMS[0]
x2, y2, z2 = EMS[1]

# minimem & maximum coordinates box to be placed
x3, y3, z3 = ems[0]
x4, y4, z4 = ems[1]

# six new EMSs for 3D space
new_EMSs = [
    [(x1, y1, z1), (x3, y2, z2)],
    [(x4, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
    [(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y3, z2)],
    [(x1, y4, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
    [(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z3)],
    [(x1, y1, z4), (x2, y2, z2)]

In practice, we will place the minimum coordinates of box against the minimum coordiantes of the selected EMS (Fig. 5), or in other word, corner to corner. If we chose to place at abitrary space within the EMS, new EMSs often poorly disjointed and lead to inefficient space utilization. Also, if we chose to place corner to corner, we can omit 3 operations of finding intersections demonstrated as follow.

# minimem & maximum coordinates for intersected EMS
x1, y1, z1 = EMS[0]
x2, y2, z2 = EMS[1]

# minimem & maximum coordinates for space of box
x3, y3, z3 = ems[0]
x4, y4, z4 = ems[1]

# three new EMSs for 3D space if ems[0] = EMS[0]
new_EMSs = [
    [(x4, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
    [(x1, y4, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
    [(x1, y1, z4), (x2, y2, z2)]

Fig. 5. Example of Difference Process (rectangle with bold lines are the new EMSs resulting from the placement of the grey box)

To check if a EMS overlaps or is totally inscribed by another EMS, we can use following functions. (every EMS is converted into numpy array to ultilize element-wise boolean operations)

def overlapped(EMS_1, EMS_2):
    if np.all(EMS_1[1] > EMS_2[0]) and np.all(EMS_1[0] < EMS_2[1]):
        return True
    return False

def inscribed(EMS_1, EMS_2):
    if np.all(EMS_2[0] <= EMS_1[0]) and np.all(EMS_1[1] <= EMS_2[1]):
        return True
    return False

Combining all above, the psuedo function for dfference process of a box placement with selected EMS can be written as:

def difference_process(box, selected_EMS, existing_EMSs):

    # 1. compute maximal-space for box with selected EMS
    ems = [selected_EMS[0], selected_EMS[0] + boxToPlace]

    # 2. Generate new EMSs resulting from the intersection of the box 
    for EMS in existing_EMSs:
        if overlapped(ems, EMS):
          # eliminate overlapped EMS

          # three new EMSs in 3D
          x1, y1, z1 = EMS[0]; x2, y2, z2 = EMS[1]
          x3, y3, z3 = ems[0]; x4, y4, z4 = ems[1]
          new_EMSs = [
              [(x4, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
              [(x1, y4, z1), (x2, y2, z2)],
              [(x1, y1, z4), (x2, y2, z2)]

          for new_EMS in new_EMSs:
              isValid = True

              # 3. Eliminate new EMSs which are totally inscribed by other EMSs
              for other_EMS in self.EMSs:
                  if self.inscribed(new_EMS, other_EMS):
                      isValid = False
              # 4. Remove _EMSs_ which are smaller than existing boxes to be placed
              ## (1) new EMS smaller than the volume of remaining boxes
              new_box = new_EMS[1] - new_EMS[0]
              if np.min(new_box) < min_dim:
                  isValid = False
              ## (2) new EMS having smaller dimension of the smallest dimension of remaining boxes
              if np.product(new_box) < min_vol:
                  isValid = False

              # add new EMS if valid
              if isValid:

Now we have a way to update the state of container and items in 3D coordinate for each box placement. Next, we introduce a placement heuristic to decide which EMS to select for each box placement.

Placement Heuristic

The Back-Bottom-Left-Fill Heuristic is a rule to pack a sequence of boxes, in which it will always select the empty space with smallest minimum coordinates to fit the box. The heuristic aims to place box in the deepest space for each iteration in hope that all boxes will be placed tight together.

As observed by Liu and Teng (1999), some optimal solutions could not be constructed by this heuritic. To deal with this problem, Gonçalves & Resende (2013) developed an improved version of the placement heuristic rule named Distance to the Front-Top-Right Corner (DFTRC). As the title suggests, the heuristc will always place the box in the empty space such that it maximizes the distance of the box to the maximal coordinates of the container (Fig. 6). You can think of it define "deepest" using maximum distance from the top instead of minimum distance to the corner.

Fig. 6. Example of heuristic DFTRC placement rule

The psuedo function for DFTRC placement rule is:

# D, W, H are the depth, width and height of a container
def DFTRC(box, existing_EMSs):
    maxDist = -1
    selectedEMS = None
    for EMS in existing_EMSs:

        # for different orientation
        for direction in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
            d, w, h = orient(box, direction)

            # if box fit in the current EMS
            if fitin((d, w, h), EMS):

                # minimum coordinate of ENS
                x, y, z = EMS[0]

                # distance between maximum coordinate of box and container
                distance = pow(D-x-d, 2) + pow(W-y-w, 2) + pow(H-z-h, 2)

                # find maximal distance
                if distance > maxDist:
                    maxDist = distance
                    selected_EMS = EMS
    return selected_EMS

where orient is a helper function to orient box given the orientation and fitin to check whether the space can fit in a EMS:

def orient(box, BO):
    d, w, h = box
    # rotate box based on selected orientation BO
    if   BO == 1: return (d, w, h)
    elif BO == 2: return (d, h, w)
    elif BO == 3: return (w, d, h)
    elif BO == 4: return (w, h, d)
    elif BO == 5: return (h, d, w)
    elif BO == 6: return (h, w, d)

def fitin(self, box, EMS):
    # ensure box is totally inscribed by EMS
    for d in range(3):
        if box[d] > EMS[1][d] - EMS[0][d]:
            return False
    return True

Placement Procedure

We applied DFTRC placement rule when selecting EMS from existing EMSs for box placement. For each solution, this placement rule is called n times to place n boxes following the order of BPS. If the box cannot fit in the existing EMSs, we will open a new empty container and resume the ongoing placement process. We can finally finish the placement procedure. Let boxes be the set of boxes , Bins be the set of containers, and num_opend_bins be the number of currently opened containers.

def placement_procedure(BPS, VBO):

    # pack box in the order of BPS
    items_sorted = [boxes[i] for i in BPS]

    for i, box in enumerate(items_sorted):
        # selection Bin and EMS to place the box
        selected_bin = None
        selected_EMS = None
        for k in range(num_opend_bins):
            # select EMS using DFTRC heuristic rule
            EMS = DFTRC(box, Bins[k].existing_EMSs)

            # select successfully
            if EMS != None:
                selected_bin = k
                selected_EMS = EMS
        # Open new empty bin if failed
        if selected_bin == None:
            num_opend_bins += 1
            selected_bin = num_opend_bins - 1
            # select the first and only EMS from the new Bin
            selected_EMS = Bins[selected_bin].EMSs[0]

        # Box orientation selection
        BO = selecte_box_orientaion(VBO[i], box, selected_EMS)
        # pack the box to the bin & update state information
        # remember it is perform on 
        difference_process(orient(box, BO), selected_EMS, Bins[selected_bin].existing_EMSs)

where selecte_box_orientaion is the function to compute and select the orientations for the box:

def selecte_box_orientaion(BO, box, selected_EMS):
    # compute possible direction
    BOs = []
    for direction in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
        if fitin(orient(box, direction), selected_EMS):
    # select orientation (decoding of BO)
    return BOs[math.ceil(VBO*len(BOs))-1]

Adjusted Fitness Value

One can simply use the number of used bins as the fitness value for each packing scenario. This is totally appropriate and alligns to our objective of minimizing number of used bins. However, ㄍpaper suggested we can improve the packing "quality" by macking a small adjustment to the fitness value.

Besides number of used bins, we add the percentage ultilization of the least laoded container (Eq. 1) to the fintess value. The rationale for this measure is that given two solutions that have same number of containers, the one having the least load in the least loaded bin will more likely have more compact placement in other containers, thus, more potential for improvement.

Eq. 1. Adjusted number of bins

def fitness(num_opend_bins, Bins):
    # find least load
    leastLoad = 1
    for k in range(num_opend_bins):
        load = Bins[k].load()
        if load < leastLoad:
            leastLoad = load
    # remainder of 1 in case 100% load 
    return self.num_opend_bins + leastLoad % 1

Finally, we can define the cal_fitness to calculate fitness value for each solution:

def cal_fitness(population)
    fitness_list = list()
    for solution in population:
        decoder = placement_procedure(BPS, VBO)
    return fitness_list

where decoder is the instance of placement_procedure. Feel free to customerize your class for placement procedure, or compare it with mine.