
nodejs app deployment testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Development server - Prerequisites

  • Node.js installed on your development machine. If you do not have Node.js, visit the previous link for download options.
  • For testing purpose, using your current DXC account credentials.

Register a web application with the Azure Active Directory admin center

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the Azure Active Directory admin center. Login using your DXC.

  2. Select Azure Active Directory in the left-hand navigation, then select App registrations under Manage.

    A screenshot of the App registrations

  3. Select New registration. On the Register an application page, set the values as follows.

    • Set Name to Node.js Graph Tutorial.
    • Set Supported account types to Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts.
    • Under Redirect URI, set the first drop-down to Web and set the value to http://localhost:3000/auth/callback.

    A screenshot of the Register an application page

  4. Choose Register. On the Node.js Graph Tutorial page, copy the value of the Application (client) ID and save it, you will need it in the next step.

    A screenshot of the application ID of the new app registration

  5. Select Authentication under Manage. Locate the Implicit grant section and enable ID tokens. Choose Save.

    A screenshot of the Implicit grant section

  6. Select API permissions under Manage. Choose the + Add a permission button and in the Commonly used Microsoft APIs, choose Microsoft Graph.

    • For Delegated permissions, select following permissions: User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All, Directory.AccessAsUser.All
    • For Application permissions, select following permissions: User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

    A screenshot of the Implicit grant section

    Note: We need an admin user in DXC tenant to grant admin consent for those permissions that are admin consent required. At the moment we are still waiting for this to be approved, for that reason some of Graph API endpoints which need those permissions can not be used (e.g 'GET /users'; 'GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}'.
  7. Select Certificates & secrets under Manage. Select the New client secret button. Enter a value in Description and select one of the options for Expires and choose Add.

    A screenshot of the Add a client secret dialog

  8. Copy the client secret value before you leave this page. You will need it in the next step.

    [!IMPORTANT] This client secret is never shown again, so make sure you copy it now.

    A screenshot of the newly added client secret

Configure the sample

  1. Edit the .env file and make the following changes.

    1. Replace YOUR_APP_ID_HERE with the Application Id you got from the App Registration Portal.
    2. Replace YOUR_APP_PASSWORD_HERE with the password you got from the App Registration Portal.
  2. In your command-line interface (CLI), navigate to this directory and run the following command to install requirements.

    npm install

Run the sample

  1. Run the following command in your CLI to start the application.

    npm start
  2. Open new browser, open http://localhost:3000/auth/signin, it will automatically redirect to current DXC login page. Use your DXC account with global password to sign in.

  3. Make sure keeping your current browser from previous step opened, type an enpoint in new browser tab. For testing purpose, the following endpoints have been developed in the project:

    1. http://localhost:3000/users/getAllUsers: Get all users without setting 'top' parameter in the endpoint, by defautl the first 100 records will return.(*)
    2. http://localhost:3000/users/getAllUsersV2: Get all users with '$top=999' parameter in the endpoint. This method also supports to append all users in the returned array for the case the total number of users is greater than 999.(*)
    3. http://localhost:3000/users/getFilteredUsers/abc: Search for users with the specifiec name (e.g. 'abc') across multiple properties.(*)
    4. http://localhost:3000/users/getCurrentUserDetail: Get detail info for current logging user.
    5. http://localhost:3000/calendar: Get list of meeting schedules of current logging user.
    6. http://localhost:3000/auth/signout: Log out for current user.

    Note: As mentioned in the step 6 above, the endpoints which are marked as (*) need admin consent permissions for usage.

Some notes

  • Preferable approach for MS Graph API authentication flow: using confidential client app.
  • Service to service calls using client credentials, flow:
    • The client application authenticates to the Azure AD token issuance endpoint and requests an access token.
    • The Azure AD token issuance endpoint issues the access token.
    • The access token is used to authenticate to the secured resource.
    • Data from the secured resource is returned to the client application.
  • Adding a delegated permission to an application does not automatically grant consent to the users within the tenant. Users must still manually consent for the added delegated permissions at runtime, unless the administrator grants consent on behalf of all users.
