
A tool to help aggregate csvs

Primary LanguageRust


A tool to help aggregate csvs


  • Create a file config.yaml
  - name: 'date'
    type: 'Date'
    format: '%Y/%m/%d'
  - name: amount
    type: 'Number'
  - 'account'
  - 'desc'
  - 'desc2'
sort: 'date'
  • Create a directory csvs with the following files:


"2017/11/30",-1,"assets:chequing","bill payment","credit card"


"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer to chequing account"


"2017/11/26",5,"liabilities:credit card","taco bell",""
  • Run csv-aggregator -c config.yaml 'csvs/*.csv'

The output should be:

"2017/11/26",5,"liabilities:credit card","taco bell",""
"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer to chequing account"
"2017/11/30",-1,"assets:chequing","bill payment","credit card"


This tool can also help you filter out CSV records. If you have a bunch of transaction csvs for each bank account, you'll find that transfers between bank accounts have a duplicated record: one in the sending, and one in the receiving.

Filters can help you remove one of the records before they get to the aggregated csv.

Basic tutorial

  • Add this to your config.yaml
  - name: 'date'
    type: 'Date'
    format: '%Y/%m/%d'
  - name: amount
    type: 'Number'
  - 'account'
  - 'desc'
  - 'desc2'
sort: 'date'
+  - "if 'assets:chequing' then not 'transfer from savings'"
+  - if 'assets:savings' then not 'transfer from chequing'"
  • Create a directory csvs with the following files:


"2017/11/28",2,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer from savings account"
"2017/11/30",-1,"assets:chequing","bill payment","credit card"
"2017/12/02",-1,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer to savings account"


"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer to chequing account"
"2017/11/30",0.5,"assets:savings","interest","interested received"
"2017/12/02",1,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer from chequing account"
  • Run csv-aggregator -c config.yaml 'csvs/*.csv'

The output should be:

"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer to chequing account"
"2017/11/30",-1,"assets:chequing","bill payment","credit card"
"2017/11/30",0.5,"assets:savings","interest","interested received"
"2017/12/02",-1,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer to savings account"


Filters run before csvs get merged into one. Every record that matches the filter, will be accepted and passed through to the aggregated csv.

A quoted word 'chequing' matches any field in the csv record. eg. all the below match 'chequing'

# "transfer to chequing account" matches
"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:savings","transfer","transfer to chequing account"
# "assets:chequing" matches
"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer to savings account"
# "transfer to chequing account" matches
"2017/11/28",-2,"liabilities:credit","transfer","transfer to chequing account"

not reverses the result of the match: eg. all the below matches not 'chequing'

# no fields match 'chequing'
"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:saving","interest","interest received"
# no fields match 'chequing'
"2017/11/28",-2,"liabilities:credit","best buy","buy something"

if <condition> then <match> will return the result of <match> if <condition> matches: eg. all the below matches if 'assets:chequing' then 'transfer'

# "assets:chequing" matches, so we check if "transfer" matches (it does)
"2017/11/28",-2,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer to savings account"
# "assets:chequing" matches, so we check if "transfer" matches (it does)
"2017/11/30",-2,"assets:chequing","transfer","transfer to credit card"