Spin up any service straight away on your local laptop. Tells you how to connect to it.
- Simple commands
- Add custom data (i.e startup SQL scripts)
- Works anywhere
- Don't worry about startup configuration
- Don't think about what hostname, port, or credentials to use to connect
./run.sh <services>
./run.sh postgres mysql
How to connect:
Service Container To Container Host To Container Container To Host
postgres postgres:5432 localhost:5432 host.docker.internal:5432
mysql mysql:3306 localhost:3306 host.docker.internal:3306
./run.sh [connect|-c] <service>
./run.sh -c postgres
./run.sh connect postgres
./run.sh [down|-d] <services>
./run.sh -d #bring all services down
./run.sh down postgres
./run.sh -l
./run.sh list
./run.sh -p postgres
./run.sh [remove|-r] <services>
./run.sh -r #remove all service persisted data
./run.sh remove postgres
<service>_VERSION=0.1 ./run.sh <services>
POSTGRES_VERSION=14.0 ./run.sh postgres
In your .bashrc, .zshrc, ...
, add:
alias insta=<checkout directory>/insta-infra/run.sh
Run source ~/.bashrc
or source ~/.zshrc
or open a new terminal session. Then you can run:
insta -l
insta postgres
insta -c postgres
insta -d
insta -r postgres
Alter data in data
You may notice that for some services (such as Cassandra, Postgres, MySQL), they follow the same pattern for custom
data. They have a data
directory which contains data files with DDL statements and an init.sh
script that will help
execute them at startup. This allows you to dump all your .sql
files into the directory, and it will be automatically
run at startup.
If any data is persisted (via running with -p
) from the services to carry across sessions, it gets pushed to folder:
By default, users and passwords follow what is default in the service. For those services where the user and password can be altered at startup, it can be altered using environment variable pattern:
For example:
POSTGRES_USER=my-user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my-password ./run.sh postgres
Service Type | Service | Supported |
Api Gateway | kong | ✅ |
Cache | redis | ✅ |
Change Data Capture | debezium | ✅ |
Code Analysis | sonarqube | ✅ |
Database | cassandra | ✅ |
Database | cockroachdb | ✅ |
Database | elasticsearch | ✅ |
Database | mariadb | ✅ |
Database | mongodb | ✅ |
Database | mssql | ✅ |
Database | mysql | ✅ |
Database | neo4j | ✅ |
Database | opensearch | ✅ |
Database | postgres | ✅ |
Database | spanner | ✅ |
Database | sqlite | ✅ |
Data Catalog | amundsen | ✅ |
Data Catalog | datahub | ✅ |
Data Catalog | marquez | ✅ |
Data Catalog | openmetadata | ✅ |
Data Catalog | polaris | ✅ |
Data Catalog | unitycatalog | ✅ |
Data Collector | fluentd | ✅ |
Data Collector | logstash | ✅ |
Data Visualisation | evidence | ✅ |
Data Visualisation | metabase | ✅ |
Data Visualisation | redash | ✅ |
Data Visualisation | superset | ✅ |
Distributed Coordination | zookeeper | ✅ |
Distributed Data Processing | flink | ✅ |
Identity Management | keycloak | ✅ |
Job Orchestrator | airflow | ✅ |
Job Orchestrator | dagster | ✅ |
Job Orchestrator | mage-ai | ✅ |
Job Orchestrator | prefect | ✅ |
Messaging | activemq | ✅ |
Messaging | kafka | ✅ |
Messaging | rabbitmq | ✅ |
Messaging | solace | ✅ |
Notebook | jupyter | ✅ |
Object Storage | minio | ✅ |
Query Engine | duckdb | ✅ |
Query Engine | flight-sql | ✅ |
Query Engine | presto | ✅ |
Query Engine | trino | ✅ |
Real-time OLAP | clickhouse | ✅ |
Real-time OLAP | doris | ✅ |
Real-time OLAP | druid | ✅ |
Real-time OLAP | pinot | ✅ |
Schema Registry | confluent-schema-registry | ✅ |
Test Data Management | data-caterer | ✅ |
Web Server | httpbin | ✅ |
Web Server | httpd | ✅ |
Workflow | maestro | ✅ |
Workflow | temporal | ✅ |