
Process PDF reports of employment outcomes for recent graduates of ABA-accredited law schools.

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Law School Outcomes - Ruby

Process PDF reports of employment outcomes for recent graduates of ABA-accredited law schools.

Law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) publish in a standardized PDF format reports of employment outcomes for recent graduates. Use the law_school_outcomes ruby library to process these PDF files into memory for further use.


gem install law_school_outcomes

If using a Gemfile: insert gem 'law_school_outcomes' then run bundle install.


Employment Summary Reports

Google search [SCHOOL NAME] EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY FOR [year] GRADUATES to find an Employment Summary Report hosted in PDF format. Note its url and year.

Given the report's url and year, read its contents into memory:

require 'law_school_outcomes'

report = LawSchoolOutcomes::EmploymentSummaryReport.new(year: 2015, url: "http://www.law.my-university.edu/some-random-path/some-report.pdf")

#> {:name=>"MY UNIVERSITY", :address=>{:street=>"123 MAIN STREET", :city=>"MY CITY", :state=>"ZZ", :zip=>"10101"}, :phone=>"123-456-7890", :website=>"http://www.law.my-university.edu/"}

report.total_grads #> 465

#> [{:status=>"Employed - Bar Passage Required", :count=>310},
#   {:status=>"Employed - J.D. Advantage", :count=>65},
#   {:status=>"Employed - Professional Position", :count=>6},
#   {:status=>"Employed - Non-Professional Position", :count=>1},
#   {:status=>"Employed - Law School/University Funded", :count=>38},
#   {:status=>"Employed - Undeterminable", :count=>0},
#   {:status=>"Pursuing Graduate Degree Full Time", :count=>7},
#   {:status=>"Unemployed - Start Date Deferred", :count=>3},
#   {:status=>"Unemployed - Not Seeking", :count=>4},
#   {:status=>"Unemployed - Seeking", :count=>30},
#   {:status=>"Employment Status Unknown", :count=>1
#  }]

#> [{:type=>"Law Firms (Solo)", :count=>0},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (2 - 10)", :count=>34},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (11 - 25)", :count=>11},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (26 - 50)", :count=>6},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (51 - 100)", :count=>14},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (101 - 250)", :count=>15},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (251 - 500)", :count=>25},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (501 +)", :count=>109},
#   {:type=>"Law Firms (Unknown Size)", :count=>1},
#   {:type=>"Business & Industry", :count=>51},
#   {:type=>"Government", :count=>79},
#   {:type=>"Pub. Int.", :count=>40},
#   {:type=>"Clerkships - Federal", :count=>16},
#   {:type=>"Clerkships - State & Local", :count=>13},
#   {:type=>"Clerkships - Other", :count=>2},
#   {:type=>"Education", :count=>4},
#   {:type=>"Employer Type Unknown", :count=>0}]

#> [{:type=>"State - Largest Employment",
#    :location=>"District Of Columbia",
#    :count=>"221"},
#   {:type=>"State - 2nd Largest Employment",
#    :location=>"New York",
#    :count=>"58"},
#   {:type=>"State - 3rd Largest Employment",
#    :location=>"Virginia",
#    :count=>"32"},
#   {:type=>"Employed in Foreign Countries",
#    :location=>"Employed in Foreign Countries",
#    :count=>8}]

#> etc ...