
A Streamlit app to explore data engineering salary data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Data Engineering Salaries

Each quarter we run a salary survey in our community to help increase transparency around salary and compensation for Data Engineering. This application is for exploring and analyzing the salary data.


  • This is a community project and it's early in development - contributions are welcome!
  • Data from historical surveys is not yet available but we do plan to backfill it.
  • Streamlit Docs
  • Raw data


  • Docker


  • Download or clone the repository.
  • Rename the example.secrets.toml (inside .streamlit folder) file to secrets.toml
  • Open the Raw Data sheet, copy the full URL and paste it to the secrets.toml public_gsheets_url variable.


docker compose build


Run the streamlit container in detached mode

docker compose up -d

Start/Stop docker container

docker compose start
docker compose stop

In your browser, Go to localhost:8501