
tomopy is commad-line-interface for tomopy an open-source Python package for tomographic data processing and image reconstruction.


$ python install

in a prepared virtualenv or as root for system-wide installation.


If your python installation is in a location different from #!/usr/bin/env python please edit the first line of the bin/tomopy file to match yours.


Install the following package:

$ conda install -c conda-forge tomopy



To do a tomographic reconstruction:

$ tomopy recon --hdf-file /local/data.h5

from the command line. To get correct results, you may need to append options such as --rotation-axis to set the rotation axis position:

$ tomopy recon --rotation-axis 1024.0 --hdf-file /local/data.h5

to list of all available options:

$ tomopy recon -h

Configuration File

Reconstruction parameters are stored in tomopy.conf. You can create a template with:

$ tomopy init

tomopy.conf is constantly updated to keep track of the last stored parameters, as initalized by init or modified by setting a new option value. For example to re-run the last reconstrusction with identical parameters just use:

$ tomopy recon

To run a reconstruction with a different and previously stored configuration file old_tomopy.conf just use:

$ tomopy recon --config old_tomopy.conf

Find Center

To automatically find the rotation axis location of all tomographic hdf data sets in a folder (/local/data/):

$ tomopy find_center --hdf-file /local/data/

this generates in the /local/data/ directory a rotation_axis.json file containing all the automatically calculated centers:

{"0": {"proj_0000.hdf": 1287.25}, "1": {"proj_0001.hdf": 1297.75},
{"2": {"proj_0002.hdf": 1287.25}, "3": {"proj_0003.hdf": 1297.75},
{"4": {"proj_0004.hdf": 1287.25}, "5": {"proj_0005.hdf": 1297.75}}

to list of all available options:

$ tomopy find_center -h

After using find_center, to do a tomographic reconstruction of all tomographic hdf data sets in a folder (/local/data/):

$ tomopy recon --hdf-file /local/data/


$ tomopy -h
usage: tomopy [-h] [--config FILE] [--version]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  File name of configuration file
  --version      show program's version number and exit


    init         Create configuration file
    recon        Run tomographic reconstruction
    find_center  Find rotation axis location for all hdf files in a directory
$ tomopy recon -h
usage: tomopy recon [-h] [--center-search-width CENTER_SEARCH_WIDTH]
                    [--binning {0,1,2,3}] [--blocked-views] [--dark-zero]
                    [--hdf-file PATH]
                    [--hdf-file-type {standard,flip_and_stich,mosaic}]
                    [--nsino NSINO]
                    [--nsino-per-chunk {2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048}]
                    [--reverse] [--rotation-axis ROTATION_AXIS]
                    [--rotation-axis-flip ROTATION_AXIS_FLIP]
                    [--missing-angles-end MISSING_ANGLES_END]
                    [--missing-angles-start MISSING_ANGLES_START]
                    [--zinger-level-projections ZINGER_LEVEL_PROJECTIONS]
                    [--zinger-level-white ZINGER_LEVEL_WHITE]
                    [--zinger-removal-method {none,standard}]
                    [--zinger-size ZINGER_SIZE] [--air AIR]
                    [--fix-nan-and-inf-value FIX_NAN_AND_INF_VALUE]
                    [--flat-correction-method {standard,air,none}]
                    [--normalization-cutoff NORMALIZATION_CUTOFF]
                    [--stripe-removal-method {none,fourier-wavelet,titarenko,smoothing-filter}]
                    [--fourier-wavelet-filter {haar,db5,sym5,sym16}]
                    [--fourier-wavelet-level FOURIER_WAVELET_LEVEL]
                    [--fourier-wavelet-sigma FOURIER_WAVELET_SIGMA]
                    [--titarenko-alpha TITARENKO_ALPHA]
                    [--titarenko-nblock TITARENKO_NBLOCK]
                    [--smoothing-filter-size SMOOTHING_FILTER_SIZE]
                    [--alpha ALPHA] [--alpha-try] [--energy ENERGY] [--pad]
                    [--phase-retrieval-method {none,paganin}]
                    [--pixel-size PIXEL_SIZE]
                    [--propagation-distance PROPAGATION_DISTANCE]
                    [--filter {none,shepp,cosine,hann,hamming,ramlak,parzen,butterworth}]
                    [--reconstruction-algorithm {art,astrasirt,astracgls,bart,fpb,gridrec,mlem,osem,ospml_hybrid,ospml_quad,pml_hybrid,pml_quad,sirt,tv,grad,tikh}]
                    [--reconstruction-mask-ratio RECONSTRUCTION_MASK_RATIO]
                    [--reconstruction-type {try,slice,full}]
                    [--iteration-count ITERATION_COUNT] [--config FILE]
                    [--logs-home FILE] [--rotation-axis-file FILE] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --center-search-width CENTER_SEARCH_WIDTH
                        +/- center search width (pixel). Search is in 0.5
                        pixel increments (default: 10.0)
  --binning {0,1,2,3}   Reconstruction binning factor as power(2, choice)
                        (default: 0)
  --blocked-views       When set, the missing-angles options are used
                        (default: False)
  --dark-zero           When set, the the dark field is set to zero (default:
  --hdf-file PATH       Name of the last used hdf file or directory containing
                        multiple hdf files (default: .)
  --hdf-file-type {standard,flip_and_stich,mosaic}
                        Input file type (default: standard)
  --nsino NSINO         Location of the sinogram used for slice reconstruction
                        and find axis (0 top, 1 bottom) (default: 0.5)
  --nsino-per-chunk {2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048}
                        Number of sinagram per chunk. Use larger numbers with
                        computers with larger memory (default: 32)
  --reverse             When set, the data set was collected in reverse
                        (180-0) (default: False)
  --rotation-axis ROTATION_AXIS
                        Location of rotation axis (default: 1224.0)
  --rotation-axis-flip ROTATION_AXIS_FLIP
                        Location of rotation axis in a 0-360 flip and stich
                        data collection (default: 1224.0)
  --missing-angles-end MISSING_ANGLES_END
                        Projection number of the first blocked view (default:
  --missing-angles-start MISSING_ANGLES_START
                        Projection number of the first blocked view (default:
  --zinger-level-projections ZINGER_LEVEL_PROJECTIONS
                        Expected difference value between outlier value and
                        the median value of the array (default: 800.0)
  --zinger-level-white ZINGER_LEVEL_WHITE
                        Expected difference value between outlier value and
                        the median value of the array (default: 1000.0)
  --zinger-removal-method {none,standard}
                        Zinger removal correction method (default: none)
  --zinger-size ZINGER_SIZE
                        Size of the median filter (default: 3)
  --air AIR             Number of pixels at each boundary to calculate the
                        scaling factor (default: 10)
  --fix-nan-and-inf     Fix nan and inf (default: False)
  --fix-nan-and-inf-value FIX_NAN_AND_INF_VALUE
                        Values to be replaced with negative values in array
                        (default: 0.0)
  --flat-correction-method {standard,air,none}
                        Flat correction method (default: standard)
  --minus-log           Minus log (default: False)
  --normalization-cutoff NORMALIZATION_CUTOFF
                        Permitted maximum vaue for the normalized data
                        (default: 1.0)
  --stripe-removal-method {none,fourier-wavelet,titarenko,smoothing-filter}
                        Stripe removal method (default: none)
  --fourier-wavelet-filter {haar,db5,sym5,sym16}
                        Type of the fourier-wavelet filter (default: sym16)
  --fourier-wavelet-level FOURIER_WAVELET_LEVEL
                        Level parameter used by the fourier-wavelet method
                        (default: 7)
                        When set, extend the size of the sinogram by padding
                        with zeros (default: False)
  --fourier-wavelet-sigma FOURIER_WAVELET_SIGMA
                        Damping parameter in Fourier space (default: 1)
  --titarenko-alpha TITARENKO_ALPHA
                        Damping factor (default: 1.5)
  --titarenko-nblock TITARENKO_NBLOCK
                        Number of blocks (default: 0)
  --smoothing-filter-size SMOOTHING_FILTER_SIZE
                        Size of the smoothing filter. (default: 5)
  --alpha ALPHA         Regularization parameter (default: 0.001)
  --alpha-try           When set, multiple reconstruction of the same slice
                        with different alpha coefficient are generated
                        (default: False)
  --energy ENERGY       X-ray energy [keV] (default: 20)
  --pad                 When set, extend the size of the sinogram by padding
                        with zeros (default: False)
  --phase-retrieval-method {none,paganin}
                        Phase retrieval correction method (default: none)
  --pixel-size PIXEL_SIZE
                        Pixel size [microns] (default: 1.17)
  --propagation-distance PROPAGATION_DISTANCE
                        Sample detector distance [mm] (default: 60)
  --filter {none,shepp,cosine,hann,hamming,ramlak,parzen,butterworth}
                        Reconstruction filter (default: parzen)
  --reconstruction-algorithm {art,astrasirt,astracgls,bart,fpb,gridrec,mlem,osem,ospml_hybrid,ospml_quad,pml_hybrid,pml_quad,sirt,tv,grad,tikh}
                        Reconstruction algorithm (default: gridrec)
                        When set, applies circular mask to the reconstructed
                        slices (default: False)
  --reconstruction-mask-ratio RECONSTRUCTION_MASK_RATIO
                        Ratio of the mask’s diameter in pixels to the smallest
                        edge size along given axis (default: 1.0)
  --reconstruction-type {try,slice,full}
                        Reconstruct slice or full data set. For option (try):
                        multiple reconstruction of the same slice with
                        different (rotation axis) are generated (default: try)
  --iteration-count ITERATION_COUNT
                        Maximum number of iterations (default: 10)
  --config FILE         File name of configuration file (default:
  --logs-home FILE      Log file directory (default: /Users/decarlo/logs)
  --rotation-axis-file FILE
                        File name of rataion axis locations (default:
  --verbose             Verbose output (default: False)