
Expenditures on food commodities by SNAP and non-SNAP households, from Nov. 2016 USDA report.

USDA SNAP Spending Study

In November 2016, the United States Department of Agriculture published a study that used “calendar year 2011 point-of-sale transaction data from a leading grocery retailer to examine the food choices of [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)] and non-SNAP households.”

In an appendix, the report ranks the total spending on major commodities by SNAP households and non-SNAP households — but as a PDF table. This repository contains the commodity spending table (Appendix A-4), converted to a tab-separated values file. That file contains seven columns:

Column Description
commodity The name of the commodity
snap_rank The rank of this commodity, by spending, among SNAP households
snap_spending The total expenditures ($ millions) on this commodity, in this study, among SNAP households
snap_pct_of_total The percentage of all expenditures that this commodity accounted for, among SNAP households
nonsnap_rank The rank of this commodity, by spending, among non-SNAP households
nonsnap_spending The total expenditures ($ millions), in this study, among non-SNAP households
nonsnap_pct_of_total The percentage of all expenditures that this commodity accounted for, among non-SNAP households

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