
Show notes and source files from the Data Skeptic Podcast

dataskeptic: Python library for interacting with the Data Skeptic family of SaaS solutions

What is it?

dataskeptic is a Python package that provides access to a variety of services offered from Data Skeptic, LLC. If you're found this library, you're likely to be either a fan of the Data Skeptic podcast or a custom using one of Data Skeptic's commercial solutions. Our documentation takes for granted that you're n one of these two groups.

Main Features

Here are just a few of the things that dataskeptic does:

  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

ds/ portal/ <-- api episodes/ <-- search jobs/ <-- my faves

search episodes make playlist stream interactions get careers favorites

Where to get it

The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at: https://github.com/data-skeptic/dataskeptic
