Generating edabits over GFp
Closed this issue · 2 comments
nakkstar123 commented
Hi Marcel,
How would I modify the below code to generate edabits over a prime field? The following code compiles for T = Spdz2k<64,64>
template<class T>
void run(char** argv)
// reduce batch size for testing
OnlineOptions::singleton.bucket_size = 5;
OnlineOptions::singleton.batch_size = 10000;
// set up networking on localhost
int my_number = atoi(argv[1]);
int n_parties = atoi(argv[2]);
int port_base = 9999;
Names N(my_number, n_parties, "localhost", port_base);
PlainPlayer P(N);
// protocol setup (domain, MAC key if needed etc)
MixedProtocolSetup<T> setup(P);
// set of protocols (bit_input, multiplication, output)
MixedProtocolSet<T> set(P, setup);
auto& output = set.output;
auto& bit_output = set.binary.output;
auto& prep = set.preprocessing;
int n_bits = 64;
edabit<T> eb;
// Generate edaBits
prep.get_edabit_no_count(false, n_bits, eb);
// Output binary part
bit_output.init_open(P, n_bits);
for (int i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
typename T::clear x;
for (int i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
x += typename T::clear(bit_output.finalize_open()) << i;
cout << "edabit B: " << x << endl;
// Output arithmetic part
output.init_open(P, 1);
cout << "edabit A: " << output.finalize_open() << endl;
However, I'm unable to get it to work for Mascot or regular SPDZ over a prime.
mkskeller commented
What do mean by unable getting it to work? Are there any error messages or other unexpected behaviour? What is the complete code and the commands you've used?
nakkstar123 commented
I was getting an error related to a power_of_two function being called in ShuffleSacrifice but I realized I was doing the protocol setup incorrectly. I got it to work, here is the full code for anyone else's reference and I'm closing the issue.
#include "Protocols/ProtocolSet.h"
#include "Machines/SPDZ.hpp"
#include "Machines/SPDZ2k.hpp"
#include "Machines/Semi2k.hpp"
#include "Math/gfp.hpp"
#include "Machines/ShamirMachine.hpp"
template<class T>
void run(char** argv, int prime_length);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// bit length of prime
const int prime_length = 128;
// compute number of 64-bit words needed
const int n_limbs = (prime_length + 63) / 64;
// need player number and number of players
if (argc < 3)
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< "<my number: 0/1/...> <total number of players> [protocol]"
<< endl;
string protocol = "SPDZ2k";
if (argc > 3)
protocol = argv[3];
if (protocol == "SPDZ2k")
run<Spdz2kShare<64, 64>>(argv, 0);
else if (protocol == "Semi2k")
run<Semi2kShare<64>>(argv, 0);
else if (protocol == "MASCOT")
run<Share<gfp_<0, n_limbs>>>(argv, prime_length);
cerr << "Unknown protocol: " << protocol << endl;
template<class T>
void run(char** argv, int prime_length)
// reduce batch size
// OnlineOptions::singleton.bucket_size = 5;
OnlineOptions::singleton.batch_size = 10000;
// set up networking on localhost
int my_number = atoi(argv[1]);
int n_parties = atoi(argv[2]);
int port_base = 9999;
Names N(my_number, n_parties, "localhost", port_base);
// CryptoPlayer P(N);
PlainPlayer P(N);
// protocol setup (domain, MAC key if needed etc)
MixedProtocolSetup<T> setup(P, prime_length);
// set of protocols (bit_input, multiplication, output)
MixedProtocolSet<T> set(P, setup);
auto& output = set.output;
// auto& bit_input = set.binary.input;
// auto& bit_protocol = set.binary.protocol;
auto& bit_output = set.binary.output;
auto& prep = set.preprocessing;
int n_bits = 128;
edabit<T> eb;
prep.get_edabit_no_count(true, n_bits, eb);
bit_output.init_open(P, n_bits);
for (int i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
typename T::clear x;
for (int i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
x += typename T::clear(bit_output.finalize_open()) << i;
cout << "edabit B compose: " << x << endl;
output.init_open(P, 1);
cout << "edabit A: " << output.finalize_open() << endl;