
A TensorflowJS powered webapp to detect objects in an image, and draw bounding boxes around them

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HawkEye - Identify Almost Anything !


This project was created as a take-home assignment for a job interview.


  • The back-end is served on Node.js Express server, and front-end is designed in Reactjs.
  • We are using TensorFlow.js for object detections in the back-end.
  • Ideally, Tensorflowjs is best suitable to make detections in browser, and that's what I wanted to do here, but the requirement wanted me to setup a node server, so model predictions are being done on the back-end server
  • The model being used is MobileNet, trained on COCO dataset - a dataset of 90 different kinds of common objects.
  • Back-end receives image file as Form Data, and returns predicted bounding boxes co-ordinates along with its class to front-end client.
  • Front-end client uses the co-ordinates and draws bounding boxes along with its class label on a canvas, converts this canvas into image and shows it.
  • Back-end code can be found in server directory, while front-end code can be found in client directory.
  • We will have to separately start both the client and the server.

Instructions for setting things up (locally)

Clone this repo to your local machine.
After the repo is cloned on your machine, enter the project directory:
cd hawkeye


You need to have nodejs and npm installed on your machines for app to run, both for back-end and client-side app. If you do not have them already, install them using apt-get commands:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Setting up Back-end

Enter the server directory:
cd server
Now run the following commands:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies mentioned in package.json file, that are required for your server.

sudo PORT=80 npm start

This runs the start script specified in your package.json file, and serves the back-end on port 80 of your machine.
Once you see the message model loaded !, you are good to go.

Setting up Front-end

Enter the client directory:
cd client Now run the following commands:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies mentioned in package.json file, that are required for React App.

REACT_APP_API='' npm start

This will fire up your React App on a development server.
Here we are providing an environment variable called REACT_APP_API, that stores the address where your back-end is hosted, which in this case happens to be your local host i.e .
This option is particularly useful when your app is deployed in production and your front-end and back-end are served on different machines.


You can test the app without actually building and running it.
You can play around here