Translating text attributes (like name, address, phone number) into quantifiable numerical representations Training ML models to determine if these numerical labels form a match Scoring the confidence of each match
- Akash-R-7India
- arosesiejdev
- Bagotia16Mumbai
- charles-lehman
- chrishokampAYLIEN
- gnanaprakash-raviEarth
- hengrumay
- jendatxAustin, TX
- jonathonbyrdziakMarketing & Dev for 2+ decades
- josephazarUniversite Franche Comte
- lsbilbro
- mqunelldb
- ranjeetranjan@AdsizzlerMedia
- sastaffordDatabricks
- Sohaib0399
- sonalgoyal
- tokleine
- UsAndRufus@ProjectProvenance
- vikasgupta78
- wscalioniAuckland, NZ