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🔥 dbignite

Health Data Interoperability

lines of code

This library is designed to provide a low friction entry to performing analytics on FHIR bundles by extracting resources and flattening.

Table of Contents


Read & Analyze a FHIR Bundle
DataFrames for FHIR
Ex. Reading non-compliant FHIR Data
Ex. Hospital Patient Flow

Writing FHIR Data

Omop Common Data Model

Internal Representation of a FHIR Bundle in DBIgnite



pip install git+https://github.com/databrickslabs/dbignite.git

For a more detailed Demo, clone repo into Databricks and refer to the notebook dbignite_patient_sample.py

Usage: Read & Analyze a FHIR Bundle

1. FHIR representations & Versions

from  dbignite.fhir_mapping_model import FhirSchemaModel
fhir_schema = FhirSchemaModel(schema_version="ci-build") #this is the default and contains latest, unfinalized changes 
fhir_schema = FhirSchemaModel(schema_version="r4") #OR use this for FHIR R4
fhir_schema = FhirSchemaModel(schema_version="r5") #OR use this for FHIR R5

#list all supported FHIR resources
sorted(fhir_schema.list_keys()) # ['Account', 'ActivityDefinition', 'ActorDefinition'...

#only use a subset of FHIR resources (built in CORE list)
fhir_core = FhirSchemaModel().us_core_fhir_resource_mapping()
sorted(fhir_core.list_keys()) # ['AllergyIntolerance', 'CarePlan', 'CareTeam', 'Condition', ...

#create your own custom resource list
fhir_custom = FhirSchemaModel().custom_fhir_resource_mapping(['Patient', 'Claim', 'Condition'])
sorted(fhir_custom.list_keys()) # ['Claim', 'Condition', 'Patient']

#create your own custom schema mapping (advanced usage, not recommended)
# ... FhirSchemaModel(fhir_resource_map = <your dictionary of resource to spark schema>)

2. FHIR interpretation for analytics

Summary Level FHIR Bundle Information

from pyspark.sql.functions import size,col, sum
from dbignite.readers import read_from_directory

#Read sample FHIR Bundle data from this repo
sample_data = "./sampledata/*json"
bundle = read_from_directory(sample_data)

#Read all the bundles and parse
bundle.entry() #OR specify a schema version here -> bundle.entry(schemas =  FhirSchemaModel(schema_version="r4"))

#Show the total number of patient resources in all bundles
#|           3|

#Show number of patient resources within each bundle 
#|                  1|
#|                  1|
#|                  1|

#Support for ndjson data format ex see: https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/bulk-data/export.html#bulk-data-output-file-request
from dbignite.readers import FhirFormat
sample_data = "./sampledata/ndjson_records/*json"
bundle = read_from_directory(sample_data, FhirFormat.NDJSON)

#Read all the bundles and parse

#Show the total number of patient resources in the ndjson formatted data
|           1|



For very large batches of FHIR, use bundle.entry().cache() before calling bulk_table_write for best performance

#Save Claim and Patient data to a table
spark.sql("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hls_dev.default.claim""")
spark.sql("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hls_dev.default.patient""")

  ,columns=["Patient", "Claim"]) #if columns is not specified, all columns of the dataframe are written (157 resources are written with default settings)
-- Select claim line detailed information
select p.bundleUUID as UNIQUE_FHIR_ID, 
  p.Patient.id as patient_id,
  c.claim.patient as claim_patient_id, 
  c.claim.id as claim_id,
  c.claim.type.coding.code[0] as claim_type_cd, --837I = Institutional, 837P = Professional
  c.claim.total.value as claim_billed_amount,
  c.claim.item.productOrService.coding.display as procedure_description,
  c.claim.item.productOrService.coding.code as procedure_code,
  c.claim.item.productOrService.coding.system as procedure_coding_system
from (select bundleUUID, explode(Patient) as patient from hls_dev.default.patient) p --all patient information
  inner join (select bundleUUID, explode(claim) as claim from hls_dev.default.claim) c --all claims from that patient 
    on p.bundleUUID = c.bundleUUID --Only show records that were bundled together
limit 100

DataFrames for FHIR

Perform same functionality above, except using Dataframe only

df = bundle.entry()

df.select(explode("Patient").alias("Patient"), col("bundleUUID"), col("Claim")).select(col("Patient"), col("bundleUUID"), explode("Claim").alias("Claim")).select(

Ex. Reading non-compliant FHIR Data

Medication details are saved in a non-compliant FHIR schema. Update the schema to read this information under "medicationCodeableConcept"

med_schema = df.select(explode("MedicationRequest").alias("MedicationRequest")).schema
#Add the medicationCodeableConcept schema in
medCodeableConcept = StructField("medicationCodeableConcept", StructType([
              StructField("coding", ArrayType(
                    StructField("code", StringType()),
                    StructField("display", StringType()),
                    StructField("system", StringType()),

med_schema.fields[0].dataType.add(medCodeableConcept) #Add StructField one level below MedicationRequest

#reconstruct the schema object with updated Medication schema
old_schemas = {k:v for (k,v) in FhirSchemaModel().fhir_resource_map.items() if k != 'MedicationRequest'}
new_schemas = {**old_schemas, **{'MedicationRequest': med_schema.fields[0].dataType} }

#reread in the data
bundle = read_from_directory(sample_data)
df = bundle.entry(schemas = FhirSchemaModel(fhir_resource_map = new_schemas))

df.select(explode("Patient").alias("Patient"), col("bundleUUID"), col("MedicationRequest")).select(col("Patient"), col("bundleUUID"), explode(col("MedicationRequest")).alias("MedicationRequest")).select(

Usage: Seeing a Patient flow in a Hospital in Real Time

Patient flow is driven by ADT message headers (Admission, Discharge, & Transfers). We are able to parse sample FHIR ADT Data from this repo and associate "actions" with each message type. In conjunction with our patners at Redox, we are able to do this in real time and see patient flow, latest patient status, etc.

Import ADT package & read FHIR data

import os, uuid
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from dbignite.readers import read_from_directory
from dbignite.hosp_feeds.adt import ADTActions

#Side effect of creating the UDF to see actions from ADT messages 
#SELECT get_action("ADT") -> action : "discharge" , description : "transfer an inpatient to outpatient"

sample_data = "file:///" + os.getcwd() + "/../sampledata/adt_records/"
bundle = read_from_directory(sample_data)

Create relational tables for Patient and MessageHeader data types

  ,columns=["Patient", "MessageHeader"]) #if columns is not specified, all resources are written by default

Sample results and query used against relational tables above that shows patient flow in the hospital setting (fake data shown)


--SSN value for patient matching
filter(patient.identifier, x -> x.system == 'http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn')[0].value as ssn
,adt.timestamp as event_timestamp

--ADT action
,adt.messageheader.eventCoding.code as adt_type
,get_action(adt.messageheader.eventCoding.code).action as action
,get_action(adt.messageheader.eventCoding.code).description as description

--Patient Resource Details 
,patient.name[0].given[0] as first_name
,patient.name[0].family as last_name
--Selecting Driver's license number identifier code='DL'
,filter(patient.identifier, x -> x.type.coding[0].code == 'DL')[0].value as drivers_license_id
--Master Patient Index Value for patient matching
,filter(patient.identifier, x -> x.type.text == 'EMPI')[0].value as empi_id

from (select timestamp, bundleUUID, explode(MessageHeader) as messageheader from hls_healthcare.hls_dev.adt_message) adt
  inner join (select bundleUUID, explode(Patient) as patient from hls_healthcare.hls_dev.patient) patient 
    on patient.bundleUUID = adt.bundleUUID
  order by ssn desc, timestamp desc
limit 10

Usage: Writing FHIR Data Using No Code/Low Code

Writing FHIR is supported from Dataframes into standard FHIR schemas thanks to contributions from our partners at XponentL Data. This can be accomplished only by defining a mapping of src column to FHIR column and the export is by row as a FHIR bundle.


from dbignite.writer.bundler import *
from dbignite.writer.fhir_encoder import *

# Create a dummy Dataframe with 2 rows of data
data = spark.createDataFrame([('CLM123', 'PAT01', 'COH123'), ('CLM345', 'PAT02', 'COH123')],['CLAIM_ID', 'PATIENT_ID', 'PATIENT_COHORT_NUM'])

# Define a mapping from DF columns to FHIR Schema, including a hardcoded value for Patient.identifier.system
maps = [Mapping('CLAIM_ID', 'Claim.id'), 
		Mapping('PATIENT_COHORT_NUM', 'Patient.identifier.value'),
    Mapping('<url of a hardcoded system reference>', 'Patient.identifier.system', True),
		Mapping('PATIENT_ID', 'Patient.id')]

# Instance of the encoder & bundle writer
#  - Encoder transforms data to valid FHIR format in Spark
#  - bundler maps data to json format
m = MappingManager(maps, data.schema)
b = Bundle(m)
result = b.df_to_fhir(data)

#Pretty printing the resulting RDD
import json
result.map(lambda x: json.loads(x)).foreach(lambda x: print(json.dumps(x, indent=4)))
#Row 1 in FHIR format
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Claim",
                "id": "CLM123"
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Patient",
                "id": "PAT01",
                "identifier": [
                        "system": "<url of a hardcoded system reference>",
                        "value": "COH123"
#Row 2 in FHIR format
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Claim",
                "id": "CLM345"
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Patient",
                "id": "PAT02",
                "identifier": [
                        "system": "<url of a hardcoded system reference>",
                        "value": "COH123"

For limitations and more advanced usage, see sample notebook

Internal Representation of a FHIR Bundle in DBIgnite

The core of a FHIR bundle is the list of entry resources. This information is flattened into individual columns grouped by resourceType in DBIgnite. The following examples depict common uses and interactions.
