
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Data Commons Schema MCF Files

This directory contains the MCF nodes for all defined schemas in Data Commons.

These files are kept in-sync with the Google repository via Copybara:

  • Changes inside Google are immediately copied here.
  • Approved GitHub pull requests are sent to the Google respository, where it is tested; if approved, the PR will merge into both the Google and GitHub repository.
    • IMPORTANT: DO NOT MERGE schema changes (any files ending with .mcf). Copybara will directly commit to the main branch then mark your PR as merged.


GitHub Development Process

In https://github.com/datacommonsorg/schema, click on "Fork" button to fork the repo.

Clone your forked repo to your desktop.

Add datacommonsorg/schema repo as a remote:

git remote add dc https://github.com/datacommonsorg/schema.git

Every time when you want to send a Pull Request, do the following steps:

git checkout main
git pull dc main
git checkout -b new_branch_name
# Make some code change
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push -u origin new_branch_name

Then in your forked repo, you can send a Pull Request. If this is your first time contributing to a Google Open Source project, you may need to follow the steps in contributing.md.

Wait for approval of the Pull Request and merge the change.