
Guide for building a framework from Braintree iOS SDK

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

Using Braintree iOS SDK without Cocoa Pods

This guide shows how to build a Braintree framework from Braintree iOS SDK sources. We will be able to install Braintree SDK to any iOS app just by dragging the Braintree.framework into the project. This method works on iOS 8+ in Objective-C and Swift apps. This method can also be used with Carthage.

Create new Application project

First, we need to create a project that will be used to build the Braintree framework.

  • File > New > Project > Application > Single View Application.
  • Set "BraintreeFrameworkBuilder" as "Product Name". No other name will work with this tutorial.
  • Set Objective-C as language.

Create Braintree framework builder project

Create Cocoa Touch Framework the target

  • File > New > Target > Framework & Library > Cocoa Touch Framework.
  • Use "Braintree" as "Product Name". No other name will work.
  • Use Objective-C as "Language".

Add braintree target

Add braintree source code files to target

  • Remove the automatically generated Braintree.h file from the "Braintree" group in project navigator. Select "Move to trash" for it.
  • Clone braintree_ios repository to some separate directory:
git clone https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios.git

Those files are temporary so you can clone it into the Downloads or Documents directory, for example.

  • Drag the contents of braintree_ios/Braintree/ directory you just cloned into the Braintree group in Xcode. Important: drag not the "braintree_ios/Braintree/" directory, but all the files and folders from it. Your project navigator will look like this:

braintree target structure in project navigator

  • Paste the following code into Braintree.h file after #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> line.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double BraintreeVersionNumber;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char BraintreeVersionString[];

The top of your Braintree.h file will look like this:

Export braintree framework version

Setup Braintree target

  • Add "MessageUI" and "MobileCoreServices" frameworks into "Braintree" target > "Build Phases" > "Link Binary With Libraries".

Link binary with libraries

  • Add -ObjC into "Braintree" target > "Build Phases" > "Other Linker Flags".

Add linker flag

Set iOS deployment target version

Set a lower iOS deployment target version if you want to use the Braintree framework in an app that supports earlier versions of iOS. I set it to version 8.0. Note that this Braintree framework will work only on iOS 8 and newer.

  • Use lower iOS version in Project settings > Info > iOS Deployment Target.

Using BraintreeSDK in View Controller

Let’s try using BraintreeSDK in View Controller.

  • Add #import <Braintree/Braintree.h> to ViewController.m file in your "BraintreeFrameworkBuilder" app of the same project.
  • Build the project. You will see 'Braintree/Braintree.h' file not found error.

Making headers public

We need to make some header files in the Braintree framework public.

Change header to public in Xcode

  • Change "Target Membership" of Braintree.h to "public".
  • Build again. You will see a new error: 'Braintree/Braintree-API.h' file not found. Find Braintree-API.h file and make it "public". I use Command-Shift-o shortcut in Xcode to find files quickly.
  • Now build again. You will see File not found error message for yet another file. Find the file and make it "public"
  • Repeat "Build > Find > Make public" steps until there are no more errors.
  • In addition to File not found error you will also see Include of non-modular header inside framework module … errors. Make those complaining files "public" as well.
  1. I went through 33 header files in total, the work took about 10 minutes.

Add script phase

Add script phase

  • Select Braintree target > Build Phases.
  • Click on "+" icon and select "New run script phase"
  • Paste the following code into the script text area.
# ---- Copy UI  ----


mkdir -p "${dest}"

# ---- Copy drop In ----

cp -r ${SRCROOT}/Braintree/UI/Localization/*.lproj "${dest}/"

mkdir -p "${dest}"

cp -r ${SRCROOT}/Braintree/Drop-In/Localization/*.lproj "${dest}/"

Add scripts for building Braintree framework

  • Create scripts directory in your project root. I do it from a Terminal.
cd <your BraintreeFrameworkBuilder project directory>
mkdir scripts
cd scripts
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exchangegroup/braintree-framework-builder/master/scripts/build_framework.sh
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exchangegroup/braintree-framework-builder/master/scripts/common.sh

Your scripts directory will look like this in relation to your project directory:

Scripts in project directory

  • Add 'execute' permissions to those two scripts.
chmod 764 build_framework.sh
chmod 764 common.sh


  • Run build_framework.sh script from the Terminal:

It will build a universal framework into "mybuild/Braintree.framework". When build finishes it opens a Finder containing Braintree.framework file.

Finished building the framework

In addition to the executable code the framework contains two bundles with localization strings. That's where frameworks are handy - they can contain assets.

If you have problem building the framework, check PROJECT_NAME=BraintreeFrameworkBuilder line in build_framework.sh. This variable value needs to be the same as the name of your project.

Add Braintree.framework to your app

Finally! You can use the Braintree.framework file in any of your apps.

  • In your app, select its target, "General" tab and look for "Embedded Binaries" section.
  • Drag the Braintree.framework file you built in previous step into "Embedded Binaries".

Drag braintree framework to Embedded Binaries

Add Braintree framework with Carthage

Alternatively, if you are using Carthage you can add your braintree builder repository to your app's Cartfile. There is no need to do the previous step of building the Framework - Carthage will build it for you.

github "your braintree builder repository"

Use Braintree SDK in an Objective-C app

  • Add #import <Braintree/Braintree.h> into your view controller.
  • Instantiate a Braintree object in your view controller: [[Braintree alloc] init];

My view controller code looked like that:

#import "ViewController.h"
#import <Braintree/Braintree.h>

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];

  [[Braintree alloc] init];

  • Run the app. If it runs it means that your Braintree SDK integration is done correctly.

Use Braintree SDK in a Swift app

To use Braintree SDK in a Swift app you will need to import its header in a bridging header.

  • To create a bridging header, select File > New > Source > Objective-C File. Name it anything you want, it will be a temporary file.
  • Click "Yes" in the next dialog that asks if you would like to configure a bridging header.

Configure bridging header dialog

  • Xcode will create a header file with a name like MyApp-Bridging-Header.h.

  • Import Braintree in your bridging header file:

#import <Braintree/Braintree.h>
  • Instantiate a Braintree object in your view controller to check if it's working.
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  var braintree: Braintree?

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    braintree = Braintree()
  • Run the app to check if it's working.

Check this demo app that shows how to use Braintree drop-in UI in a Swift iOS app.

Framework not found error fix

You may get the following error when building the app. It may happen if other targets in your app (like a test target) is importing code form the app target.

framework not found Braintree for architecture x86_64

To fix the error:

  • Select "Braintree.framework" in the project navigator.
  • Enable its "Target Membership" in your other target(s).

Framework not found fix

Job's done!

We have built the Braintree.framework. This is what I think is good about it:

  • We can now use Braintree in any Swift or Objective-C iOS app by just dragging the Braintree.framework file into "Embedded Binaries" section.
  • Your app will build quickly because Braintree source files have been already built into the framework.


These are the materials I used to make this guide.