
Geocodifier based on the Bing geolocation API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A geocodifier based on the Bing geolocation API. Autosuggests and returns results. Check out a demo.

  • You can use the forward arrow to autocomplete for the first suggested result
  • You can use the up and down arrow keys to select a result.

Example usage

First include bing-geocodifier.js and bing-geocodifier.css in your page.

// Initialize on a div element with an ID of "geocodifier"
var geocoder = new BingGeocodifier('geocodifier', {
    key: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    onClick: function(item, coords) {
        console.log(item, coords);
    filters: {
        countryRegion: "United States",
        adminDistrict: "CA",
        adminDistrict2: ["Los Angeles","Orange"]


defaultText - Search prompt text you want the widget to show. Default is "Search an address".

filters - A dictionary of filters, based on what's returned in the address property in the Bing Location Query API. You can use a single string or an array of strings

key - A Bing API key.

onClick - Function to be executed when a returned point is selected.