
Codebase for Dryad data publication and curation services.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Dryad is a research data publishing platform based on the UC Curation Center's implementation of the Stash application framework. It relies on metadata based on the DataCite Metadata Schema.


More detailed documentation is available in the documentation folder


See Dryad Installation for installation notes.

Quick Cheat Sheet

Running integration/feature tests locally

In the dryad-app directory:

  • run travis-prep.sh
  • run bundle exec rspec

Capistrano deployment

To deploy the latest (committed) code from GitHub:

bundle exec cap <environment> deploy [BRANCH="<branch-or-tag-name>"]

The $BRANCH environment variable is optional; if it’s omitted, the deploy script will prompt you.

Miscellaneous tasks

  • The rails app_data:clear task will clear most database and SOLR data. It can be useful to run before testing data import and transformation from our previous version of the app. It will not erase data in the production environment or until it gets confirmation that you really want to erase the data.

    bundle exec rails app_data:clear RAILS_ENV=<rails-environment>