BISHENG is an open LLM devops platform for next generation Enterprise AI applications. Powerful and comprehensive features include: GenAI workflow, RAG, Agent, Unified model management, Evaluation, SFT, Dataset Management, Enterprise-level System Management, Observability and more.
- AnneLau北京市海淀区
- chenhuan001
- d3p10yUltraBear Education
- denouemenjMoncton, NB, Canada
- GithubJaimeLee
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- i7eoXi'an, China
- IAm20cm很惭愧,就做了一点微小的工作
- Jack-HouJie
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- kourim88
- liushengtell
- Lycokie@Google
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- MiaoQing1996
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- ntt720Amoy
- ringoforme
- SihanLu212
- SunkistnDaishin Corporation
- Thaiwho
- TheLiyo
- tifoit
- Tsingjie89
- TSUJIRA@Google
- vamokoHPE
- vchain007
- wisdomqinDataelem
- xupercoinThe Coin Company
- YuzhengZhang5032
- zhouhao628
- ZouR-MaHITsz