
git command line replacement, for checking files before commiting them

Primary LanguageShell


Use instead of git.


Using git:

    $ git clone https://github.com/dataf3l/g
    # add this line to your .bashrc which adds the g folder to your PATH for your convenience

    $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/<your-user-name>/place/where/you/cloned/g/


Using npm:

    $ npm install @dataf3l/g
    # add this line to your .bashrc which adds the g folder to your PATH for your convenience

    $ export PATH=$PATH:~/node_modules/@dataf3l/g/


Example .bashrc:

    export PATH=$PATH:/s/ntutree/g/
    alias git=g

The reason it was aliased, is because my fingers are used to typing git, when I mean to type g, and I don't want my finger memory to accidentally cause the files in the server to be ont validated.

However, you may choose differently.


    g add file
    g add .
    g commit -m "message"
    g push origin branch-name
    g log



You can also alias git to g, so that it's easy.


if the file is a js file, it will try to validate the syntax before adding it to the repo, if the file has bad syntax, it will not be added to the repo.

Supported Languages

  • Javascript (via node)
  • Go (via gofmt)

Support comes from external linkers, we are merely a "linker curator" package.


  • CSS, HTML, XML, JAVA, C++, and any which the community is interested in, feel free to post an issue here requesting your favourite language: (https://github.com/dataf3l/g/issues).


Just send me a pull request, contributions are accepted and encouraged