The Spark-etl-framework is a pipeline-based data transformation framework using Spark-SQL. For one process to transform and move data from end to end, a pipeline needs to be defined. At the start of a pipeline, one or more readers is required to load data from the source(s). The data gets transformed in the middle using Spark-SQL (extensible with custom components). Finally, usually at the end of the pipeline, the writer(s) write out the result to the target storage.

pipeline flow

A pipeline consists of multiple jobs, and each job contains multiple actions (each represented by an Actor). Each job can run under the same or separate Spark Sessions or Sub-Sessions, and dataframes (as views) can be shared across jobs. Each action (except for configuration updates) requires one or more input views and produces at most one output view.

To build the project, run

  mvn clean install -DskipTests

Pipeline definition

The following explains the definition of each section in a pipeline:

  • Settings

    • singleSparkSession - when a pipeline consists of multiple jobs, each job can be executed under a separate Spark Sub-Session. This provides resource isolation across jobs. When this flag is set to true, all jobs are executed under the same global Spark-Session. The default value is false.
    • globalViewAsLocal - global dataframes (views) are shared across jobs (even when they are running under separate Spark Sub-Sessions). Global views are referenced as global_temp.${table}. To make the references easier as local views, set this flag to true. The default value is true.

  • Variables - the variables defined in this section can be referenced anywhere in the definition of the current pipeline, including SQL statements.

    • A variable must be given a name and value, and is referenced in the format of ${variable-name}.
    • The value can reference any values defined in the application configuration, as well as from the job submit command. The following example shows that process_date is from events.process_date, which is defined in the application configuration:
          <variable name="process_date" value="${events.process_date}" />
          <variable name="staging_uri" value="/tmp/staging/events" />
    • When a variable is defined more than once, its value from the job submit command has the highest precedence, and its value from the pipeline definition has the lowest precedence.
    • When a variable contains sensitive data, such as a password, its value can be protected by a custom key. The following describes how to encrypt the value, and how to configure the variable:
      • Encrypt the value by running the following command:
        java -cp spark-etl-framework-xxx.jar com.qwshen.Encryptor \
          --key-string ${key-value} --data ${password}
        If the key is stored in a file:
        java -cp spark-etl-framework-xxx.jar com.qwshen.Encryptor \
          --key-file ${file-name} --data ${password}
        The above command will print the encrypted value.
      • Configure the variable:
           - name: db.password
             value: ${events.db.password}
             decryptionKeyString: ${}
           - name: db.password
             value: ${events.db.password}
             decryptionKeyFile: ${}
        The ${events.db.password} is the encrypted value from the encryption step.

  • Aliases - the aliases section defines the shorthand name used for referencing various actors. However, the alias for each actor must be globally unique.

      - name: file-reader
        type: com.qwshen.source.FileReader
      - name: sql
        type: com.qwshen.transform.SqlTransformer
      - name: hbase-writer
        type: com.qwshen.sink.HBaseWriter
  • Jobs - a pipeline may contain multiple jobs while each job may have multiple actions. A job provides a container for resource isolation (when singleSparkSession = false). The output from an action of a job may be shared across actions within the same job or jobs. Each action in a job is represented by an Actor, which is defined by its type, and may have properties for controlling its behavior.

        "name": "load features",
        "actor": {
            "type": "delta-reader",
            "properties": {
                "options": {
                    "versionAsOf": "0"
                "sourcePath": "${delta_dir}"
        "output-view": {
            "name": "features",
            "global": "false"

    Each Actor has at most one output (as a view). To make the view sharable across jobs, mark the global flag as true. The view can be referenced as table in a sql statement:

    select * from features

    If the view is global and globalViewAsLocal = true, the global view can be referenced as a local view like in the above query. Otherwise:

    select * from global_temp.features

    The definition of a job is not necessarily embedded in the definition of a pipeline, especially when the job is used across multiple pipelines. Instead the job may be included as follows:

      - include: jobs/job.yaml

    where the definition of the job is in a separate file called job.yaml.

  • Staging - for situations where the results of one or more actions need to be checked for troubleshooting or data verification. This can be achieved by adding the following section in the definition of a pipeline:

      uri: "${staging_uri}"
        - transform-events
        - load-events, transform-user-train

    In the above setting, the output of the two actions (load-events, transform-user-train) will be staged at ${staging_uri}. More actions for staging incur more impact on the performance. Therefore they should be used primarily in dev environments.

Pipeline examples:


One custom application configuration can be provided when submitting a Spark job. Normally, common variables that are used across jobs and actions are defined in the application configuration, and they are mostly environment-related. The following is one example: {
  users_input = "data/users"

kafka {
  bootstrap.servers = "localhost:9092"
  schema.registry.url = "http://localhost:8081"

application {
  security.decryption.key = "my_secret_123"
  scripts_uri = "./scripts"

There are two approaches to providing the runtime configuration:

  • Specify runtime variables when submitting a Spark job. See below at "Submitting a spark-job"
  • Configure runtime variables in application configuration. See the following example:
application.runtime {
  spark {
    driver.memory = 16g
    executor.memory = 16g
    serializer = org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
    sql {
      extensions =
      catalog.spark_catalog =

  hadoopConfiguration {
    # skip writing __SUCCESS
    mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs = false

  # skip writing crc files
  filesystem.skip.write.checksum = true
  # support hive integration
  hiveSupport = true

Note: spark configs from application configuration takes highest precedence.

Submitting a spark-job

The following is one example of how to submit a Spark job. Note that it also demonstrates how to provide the runtime configs, as well as pass variables.

 spark-submit --master yarn|local --deploy-mode client|cluster \
   --name test \
   --conf spark.executor.memory=24g --conf spark.driver.memory=16g \
   --conf \
   --conf \
   --jars ./mysql-connector-jar.jar \
   --class com.qwshen.Launcher spark-etl-framework-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   --pipeline-def ./test.yaml --application-conf ./application.conf \
   --var process_date=20200921 --var environment=dev \
   --vars encryption_key=/tmp/app.key,password_key=/tmp/pwd.key \
   --staging-uri hdfs://tmp/staging --staging-actions load-events,combine-users-events

Run a live example

Source readers



Sink writers


Other Utilities

Custom UDF Registration

If custom UDFs are required in a pipeline for transforming data, a custom UDF register needs to be provided to register the related UDFs.

An UDF register must extend com.qwshen.etl.common.UdfRegister, and implement the following method:

   def register(prefix: String)(implicit session: SparkSession): Unit

Then the UDF Register can be configured at pipeline level as follows:

    "udf-registration": [
        "prefix": "event_",
        "type": "com.qwshen.etl.EventUdfRegister"
        "prefix": "user_",
        "type": "com.qwshen.etl.UserUdfRegister"

Check this UDF example

Writing custom Actor

In situation where the logic of transforming data is very complicated, or a new reader and/or writer are required, a custom Actor can be created by following this guide.

Spark-SQL practices