
Land cover mapping automation tool using IGN aerial photographs

Primary LanguageC++



  • Docker and Docker compose must be installed Docker (Docker compose included)
  • Until data gathering is implemented, it is required to have a data folder in your system containing the unzipped data from IGN BD ORTHO IRC of the 'departement' that contain the processed city. For test purpose, full automatisation is not yet implemented since it recquires an IGN web service for data import that is scheduled to be launch in beta version mid-july


  • Clone the current repository :
git clone https://github.com/dataforgoodfr/batch11_cartovegetation.git
  • Current branch for data processing is accessed using:
git fetch --all
  • Copy then rename the file .env.sample to .env and update its variables using your configuration.

  • Check config/config.toml and update it if needed.

Build Images

docker compose build


To start all services and run the whole processing chain:

docker compose --env-file .env up

To stops containers and removes them:

docker compose down

To run specific service defined in docker-compose.yaml:

docker compose run --rm --env .env --no-deps <service_name>


id Definition
ext Extraction of area
seg Segmentation
hte Haralick texture extraction
bnd Reordering band
rdi Radiometric indices
zst Zonal Statistics
agg Joining zonal statistics
mdl Classification