
the backend chat app that powers datafruits.fm

Primary LanguageElixir

Hotdog Lounge

Build Status

datafruits.fm chat server, simply some modifications to https://github.com/chrismccord/phoenix_chat_example

Install elixir if you haven't already.

You should also have a redis server running for the app to connect to.

  1. Clone this repo, then cd to the new directory
  2. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  3. Source the environment variables in the .env file with source .env
  4. Start server with mix phx.server

To connect to the local server from the datafruits app, set the environment variable CHAT_SOCKET_URL to ws://localhost:4000/socket, in the .env file in the datafruits app.

$ cd ~/src/datafruits
$ echo "CHAT_SOCKET_URL=ws://localhost:4000/socket" >> .env