🚨 WARNING 🚨: This project is archived, as datafusion has moved to the object_store crate, which natively supports Azure.
Azure storage account as an ObjectStore for Datafusion.
This crate implements the DataFusion ObjectStore
trait on Azure Storage. We leverage the still unofficial
Azure-SDK-for-Rust for interacting with Azure. As such we can
make no assurances on API stability either on Azure's part or within this crate. This crates API is tightly
connected with DataFusion, a fast moving project, and as such we will make changes inline with those upstream changes.
Load credentials from default AWS credential provider (such as environment or ~/.aws/credentials)
let azure_file_system = Arc::new(AzureFileSystem::default().await);
is a convenience wrapper for AzureFileSystem::new(None, None, None, None, None, None)
Connect using access key and secret.
// Example credentials provided by MinIO
const AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: &str = "...";
const AZURE_STORAGE_KEY: &str = "...";
let azure_file_system = AzureFileSystem::new(AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, AZURE_STORAGE_KEY).await;
Using DataFusion's ListingTableConfig
we register a table into a DataFusion SessionContext
so that it can be queried.
let filename = "data/alltypes_plain.snappy.parquet";
let config = ListingTableConfig::new(azure_file_system, filename).infer().await?;
let table = ListingTable::try_new(config)?;
let mut ctx = SessionContext::new();
ctx.register_table("tbl", Arc::new(table))?;
let df = ctx.sql("SELECT * FROM tbl").await?;
We can also register the AzureFileSystem
directly as an ObjectStore
on an SessionContext
This provides an idiomatic way of creating TableProviders
that can be queried.
let input_uri = "adls2://parquet-testing/data/alltypes_plain.snappy.parquet";
let (object_store, _) = ctx.object_store(input_uri)?;
let config = ListingTableConfig::new(azure_file_system, filename).infer().await?;
let mut table_provider: Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync> = Arc::new(ListingTable::try_new(config)?);
For testing we aim to support the mock_testing_framework
used within the
, however right now we
still need to use the blob client for which the testing framework is not yet implemented.
As no appropriate mocking server exists for the ADLS Gen2 storage accounts, tests need to be executed locally, against a storage account provided by the developer.
First clone the test data repository:
git submodule update --init --recursive
When this does not work, manually run the following:
git submodule add -f https://github.com/apache/parquet-testing.git parquet-testing
Then create a container in your storage account:
# create the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT 'datafusion'
az storage account create --resource-group datafusion --kind StorageV2 --location westeurope --sku Standard_LRS --name datafusion
az storage account keys list -g datafusion -n datafusion | jq -r ".[0].value"
# create and fill container with data
az storage container create --resource-group datafusion --account-name datafusion --public-access container --name parquet-testing-data
az storage blob directory upload --account-name datafusion --container parquet-testing-data -s "./parquet-testing/data/*" -d . --recursive
# create and fill container for bad_data
az storage container create --resource-group datafusion --account-name datafusion --public-access container --name parquet-testing-bad-data
az storage blob directory upload --account-name datafusion --container parquet-testing-bad-data -s "./parquet-testing/bad_data/*" -d . --recursive
Place a file called .env
in the root of the repo (this is ignored by .gitignore
) and store provide credentials
Then execute the tests
cargo test