CSS PRINT is a simple framework to help you create pages ready for printing.
"devDependencies": {
- Julio Betta juliobetta@gmail.com
- Rodolfo Barreto rodolfobarretoweb@gmail.com
- Every page must be within the page class.
Note: If you need multiple pages, you have to add the page
class to the element.
<div class='page'>
All contents of the first page here
<div class='page'>
All contents of the second page here
- Define rows of the columns, like in twitter bootstrap.
<div class='row'>
<div class="col-1"></div>
This file contains rules about simple tags, such as tables, links and two special cases.
- Adds border in all element
- Adds border in right of the element
- Adds border in left of the element
- Adds border in the bottom of the element
- Adds border in the top of the element
- Hides content from print
- Defines the font size, ranging from 10 to 26.
Ex: <p class="font-10">Text</p>
- Aligns text to left
- Aligns text to right
- Aligns text to center
- Applies serif to font face