
In this project, my friend and used basic EDA methods to find ways to increase admissions at the College of Wooster.


Of the 263,139 domestic prospects for the College’s classes of 2021 and 2022 Only 7970 of them inquire about the school and yet, only 2432 of them who inquire and send in an application.

In this project, my friend and used explatory data methods to find ways to increase admissions at the College of Wooster.

Wooster Admissions

-- Project Status: [Completed]

Project Intro/Objective

The purpose of this project is to determine who is more likely to apply to Wooster, and how we can increase these results. The College of Wooster is a small liberal arts school in Ohio that mainly attracts students due to its prestigious Independent Study Program that draws in students from around the globe. Despite the college's appeal, the college struggles to obtain domestic students, as only 55% of the students that apply to the school are admitted, and only 16% of the students that are admitted to the school accept the offer.We were allowed to condut an analysis on a dataset of over 2,000 students in hopes of finding insights into the data and providing small solutions to increase the number of student acceptances.

[https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/04/09/a-majority-of-u-s-colleges-admit-most-students-who-apply/] Admissions Rates further Explained


Methods Used

  • Inferential Statistics
  • Data Visualization


  • R
