RegisteredPartyVoters2k16.csv is from
 Unemployment data is from
 HateCrimes data is from
 Publicity Per Canidate data is taken from
 The topic of our project to "The impact of enviorment 
	(speifically news/publicity, hate crimes, and unemployment rates 
	within states) and how it affects the voting parties. 
"In the upcoming election, each party is trying to find the best way to campaign to impact the most people. This document has information about the previous presidential elections in order to determine what the presidential candidates need to do to be more likely to win the upcoming elections.
This data looks at the unemployment rates, the quantity of hate crimes and the levels of publicity each candidate receives in each state to see if there is a correlation between these factors and the election rates of each party. This data should also act as an advisor for candidates so that they can assess how to market themselves in specific states. "
	1. Look at the corelation between hatecrimes
		-we have a 
	2. Look at the corelation between news/publicity
		-we have a table that compares the publivity of a canidate to the popularity of the canidate 
		-we have another 
	3. Look at the corelation between unemployment rates