Extension for tqdm progressbar in Telegram
Now the project can not be found in PyPI
But you can install from git:
pip install git+https://github.com/ermakovpetr/tg_tqdm
import time
from tg_tqdm import tg_tqdm
for _ in tg_tqdm(range(1000), TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, CHAT_ID):
You can use this from different python scripts in parallel
You must create a bot that will send you the progress bar. But it's easy!
Find @BotFather in Telegram
Follow the instructions to create a new bot. Video guide:
in video my TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN is
- Open the chat with your new bot
- Write to him
and one more message - Run this code (where TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN from prev step)
import telepot
bot = telepot.Bot(TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN)
- Result is you CHAT_ID