56k Czech movie reviews were collected using the /data_preparation/data_collector_movie_review_scraper.py
multithreaded HTML scraping module. These reviews were scrubbed using langdetect
module to remove reviews written in Slovak language. This dataset was also scrubbed against a collection of Czech stopwords. To have the data balanced with the same amount of negative and positive reviews, the
final dataset had to be reduced to 11.5k positive and 11.5k negative reviews. Collected data was also stemmed before training the models.
From Scikit-Learn
Python library, Naive Bayes
, Logistic regression
and Support Vector Machine
ML models were used
for training and testing data for text sentiment analysis.
The scripts for training and testing are located here:
The overall sentiment score for the specified text input is calculated as a weighted average based on the precision score accuracy of these 3 model predictions.
The Flask web application is currently hosted at https://czester.herokuapp.com, source code can be found in this location /flask_webapp/.
This application backend is written in Python using the Flask
framework and Bootstrap
for the templates styling. This app also provides the users with a simple API. The stats module is a result of an integration between Chart.js
and Flask
where the statistics data persistence layer can be either Sqlite3
or Heroku Postgres
If you provide this app with a environment variable named DATABASE_URL
containing the Heroku Postgres DB URL like postgres://YourPostgresUrl
, then remote Heroku Postgres
will be used, otherwise local Sqlite3
db instance will be used.
- create and activate a standard Python virtual or pipenv environment
install the requirements fromrequirements.txt
- set the working directory for instance to the path where you cloned this repo (Make sure it's the path where the Heroku
file is located)
Remove reviews written in Slovak language✓Verify input text is written in Czech language✓Add Flask web app tests✓Add Czech word stemmatizer module✓- Ensembling instead of weighted model precision average for overall sentiment
- Redis could replace Sqlite3 / Postgres
- Migrate from Heroku to AWS