
Spec sheet linter

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An additional script could be developed that would check the spec sheet and ensure that there are no errors related to how the user has constructed their website spec.

Below is a small list of a few things that will probably not change anymore that we can check to ensure that the user has not made an error that will prevent the website from building properly:

  • Page names under pages must have a unique name without spaces
  • Page routes must be unique
  • Grid names under grids must be unique without spaces
  • Component names under components must be unique without spaces
  • The routes of individual components must be unique
  • Routes must start with a /
  • Every query needs a restriction, below is the default one.
    •     def restriction(**kwargs):
              return dict(**kwargs)
  • Overlapping components at the same (x, y) does not work, the grid system will not allow overlapping components it will wrap them horizontally if there is enough space or bump them down to the next row.

I have copied this list over from the modified in my pull request #10 but since it has not merged I am also including this list here for reference, however by the time it is merged the list above may be outdated.