how to learn git from scratch

This is a tutorial to learn the basic commands of git. Three functions of git and github:

  1. remote repository
  2. version control
  3. branch management

Function 1: remote repository

1. create reposition without
2. contruct in your file

echo "# StableAA" >>

(2. set the user information)

git config --global 'datake'
git config --global ''

3. tell git you want to manage current folder

git init

4. add files to Repository(.git) into "staged" status

git add . / git add ***

5. commit files to the working repository (after multiply adding files), from "staged" to "unmodified" status

git commit -m "log information, e.g., first commit"

6. connect with your repository, where origin is the default repository name

git remote add origin 'repository address'

7. set the branch main

git branch -M main

(7. add in your folder, if there already exists a in your repository)

git pull --rebase origin main

8. push codes to github, master is our default first branch

git push -u origin main (first time)
git push origin main (later)

Function 2: version control

1. check the status of current folder (unmodified -> modified -> stages -> unmodified)

git status

2. check the difference between unmodified and modified

git diff ###(file name)

3. check previous commit versions to find one you'd go back

git log (--pretty=oneline)

4. go back to previous version, note that HEAD is the current version, ^ means the last version, ^^ indicates the second last version. HEAD is a pointer, pointing to a specific version

git reset --hard HEAD^ (git reset --hard "commit id(several first numbers is OK)")

5. check your past command and result to find your past commit id

git reflog

6. delete the modification to be commited (to staged or unmodified versions)

git checkout -- filename

7. tell git you delete some files, then commit

git rm ***(file name)

Function 3: branch management

1. check all branches

git branch

2. establish and convert to a new branch dev

git branch dev
git checkout dev

3. merge branch dev to master

git checkout master git merge dev

4. delete past branch

git branch -d dev

Here are two important figures about git.

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