
An LLM agent to help people understand how climate change will affect their homes and what they can do about it

Primary LanguagePython

This chainlit app will use an OpenAI Assistant and the amazing Probable futures API to provide climate change information for a location, and provide some helpful resources for how to prepare.

The chainlit app is based off the cookbook example here.



You will need a probable future API key, see here for more details. You will also need an OPENAI key.

Setup a Conda environment ...

  1. Install miniconda by selecting the installer that fits your OS version. Once it is installed you may have to restart your terminal (closing your terminal and opening again)
  2. In this directory, open terminal
  3. conda env create -f environment.yml
  4. conda activate climate-env

Once you have these, then ...

  1. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Set OpenAI key and Probable Futures API user and secret
  3. Create assisstent with python3 create_assistant.py
  4. Copy the assiostant id from output and put into .env

If you make changes to the assistant, rerun create_assistant.py, which will update the existing assistant.

To run chainlit app

chainlit run app.py

To view assistant on OpenAI

Go here