
Auto-synched from https://git.soton.ac.uk/SERG/mapping-with-r so we can use pages

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Mapping with R

Best viewed at: https://dataknut.github.io/mapping-with-r/

Simple (and not so simple) examples of mapping data with R

You might also like https://git.soton.ac.uk/twr1m15/la_emissions_viz which drives https://rushby.shinyapps.io/LAemissions/


The following example data is provided in the data folder of this repository:

You link these using the relevant area level codes such as:

  • Local Authority: LA Code<-> lad18cd
  • LSOA: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) Code <-> LSOA11CD
  • etc



A simple example of mapping using R. Examples use Local Authority (LA) and Middle-layer Super Output Area (MSOA) geography and electricity consumption data (provided in data subfolder).


An example and resources for using the ONS Open Geography portal to download geographical data and create maps using Leaflet package.

fun with cartograms

What it says on the tin


Openstreetmap for base maps (i.e. map tiles/rasters)

Google maps for base maps

They want you to have an API key now. Yeah nah.

tmap package - nice