
Package for accompanying book on social data science with R

Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0



The sds package is designed to accompany the Social Data Science with R book. It includes a function to load data different datasets and will soon include learnr apps for some of the more introductory content.


You can install the development version of the package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


There are multiple datasets used throughout the book. See all the datasets here. We can load any of these datasets using the get_data() function, passing the name of the dataset. For example.

benchmarks <- get_data("benchmarks")
#> # A tibble: 174 x 7
#>       sid sped     ethnicity  frl     ell     rdg_fall rdg_spr
#>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>      <chr>   <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 409687 Non-Sped Hispanic   FRL     Active       181     194
#>  2 409847 Sped     Black      FRL     Non-ELL      166     159
#>  3 491527 Sped     White      FRL     Non-ELL      216     198
#>  4 500147 Non-Sped Native Am. FRL     Non-ELL      203     204
#>  5 501027 Non-Sped Hispanic   FRL     Active       198     173
#>  6 501147 Non-Sped Hispanic   FRL     Active       188     173
#>  7 501217 Non-Sped Hispanic   FRL     Monitor      202     200
#>  8 501787 Non-Sped White      Non-FRL Active       182     206
#>  9 502417 Non-Sped Black      Non-FRL Non-ELL      194     191
#> 10 503127 Non-Sped Hispanic   FRL     Active       170     185
#> # … with 164 more rows

The get_data() function supports any of the following: "benchmarks", "ds-bowl-2019", "k-entry", "sesame", "state-test", "titanic", or "violence", with others likely to be added later. You can then use these datasets to follow along with any of the examples in the book.