
1.4 meteor react router ssr demo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


meteor 1.4 + react + react-router + react-router-ssr + redux를 활용한 Universal Rendering 데모 입니다.

참고는 react-router-ssr에 있는 예제를 참고하였습니다.

home : pub/sub 구현 Another : redux 구현


meteor npm install

Example with Redux


ReactRouterSSR supports applications that use Redux, using the rehydrateHook and dehydrateHook options in clientOptions and serverOptions respectively.

import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

import routes from './routes';
import configureStore from './store';

// Data that is populated by hooks during startup
let history;
let store;
let initialState;

// Use history hook to get a reference to the history object
const historyHook = newHistory => history = newHistory;

// Pass the state of the store as the object to be dehydrated server side
const dehydrateHook = () => store.getState();

// Take the rehydrated state and use it as the initial state client side
const rehydrateHook = state => initialState = state;

// Create a redux store and pass into the redux Provider wrapper
const wrapperHook = app => {
  store = configureStore(initialState, history);
  return <Provider store={store}>{app}</Provider>;

const clientOptions = { historyHook, rehydrateHook, wrapperHook };
const serverOptions = { historyHook, dehydrateHook };

ReactRouterSSR.Run(routes, clientOptions, serverOptions);

Example directory layout


      index.js                 # import client startup through a single index entry point
      routes.js                # set up all routes in the app
      useraccounts-configuration.js # configure login templates
      fixtures.js              # fill the DB with example data on startup
      index.js                 # import server startup through a single index entry point

    lists/                     # a unit of domain logic
        publications.js        # all list-related publications
        publications.tests.js  # tests for the list publications
      lists.js                 # definition of the Lists collection
      lists.tests.js           # tests for the behavior of that collection
      methods.js               # methods related to lists
      methods.tests.js         # tests for those methods

    components/                # all reusable components in the application
                               # can be split by domain if there are many
    layouts/                   # wrapper components for behaviour and visuals
    pages/                     # entry points for rendering used by the router

  main.js                      # client entry point, imports all client code

  main.js                      # server entry point, imports all server code