- id - Internal ID
- objectid - Internal ID same as id
- schcd - UDISE School Code
- schname - Name of the School
- schcat - School Category Code
- school_cat - School Category
- schtype - School Type Code
- school_typ - School Type
- schmgt - School Management Code
- management - School Management
- rururb - Rural or Urban
- location - Not used
- pincode - Pincode
- dtname - District name
- udise_stco - UDISE State Code
- stname - State name
- vilname - Village name
- longitude - longitude
- latitude - latitude
- stcode11 - State Code Census 2011
- dtcode11 - District Cide Census 2011
- sdtcode11 - Not used
- stname_1 - State name - Redundant
- dtname_1 - District name
- sdtname - Not used
- udise_dtco - UDISE District Code
- udise_vico- UDISE Village Code
- dist_lgd - District code as per lgd
- state_lgd - State code as per lgd
- ud_st_n - Redundant
- ud_dt_n - Redundant
- lgd_dt_ud Redundant
- lon - Accurate longitude
- lat - Accurate latitude