
Dockerised Jenkins with SSL support using nginx and letsencrypt


Dockerised Jenkins with SSL support using Nginx and Let's Encrypt


Docker and docker-compose:


Your domain example.com needs to be publicly resolvable and accessible from the internet.

Modify the domain and e-mail address inside the docker-compose.yml:

# Used by `nginx-proxy` to automatically proxy the traffic to the `nginx` docker
VIRTUAL_HOST: example.com
# Used by `letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion` to generate SSL certificates
LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: youremail@example.com

Bring up the services:

docker-compose up

Access your jenkins on: https://example.com Note that on the first run it could take few minutes to initialise the Let's Encrypt.

Local testing

For development purposes, you could run boulder, the CA server behind Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing.html#integration-testing-with-the-boulder-ca

Alternatively you can use ngrok.io. Their free service is sufficient to test this example.

  • Register with https://ngrok.io and download ngrok app
  • Run locally ngrok http 80 and note yoursubdomain.grok.io
  • Replace example.com inside docker-compose.yml with yoursubdomain.ngrok.io and youremail@example.com with your e-mail address
  • Add to your /etc/hosts the mapping to the ngrok domain: yoursubdomain.ngrok.io. You need this step, otherwise your call to this domain will be routed through ngrok.io.
  • Run docker-compose up

What happens after running this example is the following:

  • Let's encrypt will generate new certificate
  • It will call yoursubdomain.ngrok.io/.well-known/acme-challenge which will be redirected to our localhost, courtesy of ngrok.io You can confirm this behaviour when checking: http://localhost:4040/inspect/http
  • Navigate to https://yoursubdomain.ngrok.io and setup your Jenkins.
