BED: A Real-Time Object Detection System for Edge Devices

About this project

This project focuses on end-to-end oBject detection system for Edge Devices (BED). BED integrates a deep nerual network (DNN) practiced on MAX78000 with I/O devices, as illustrated in the following figure. The DNN model for the detection is deployed on MAX78000; and the I/O devices include a camera and a screen for image acquisition and output exhibition, respectively.

GUI ai8x Environment install

Before running GUI code, it is necessary to clone and install the software of MAX78000 Evaluation Kit. Once finishing the installation, copy this repo to the root directory of "MAX78000_SDK/Examples/MAX78000/CNN/", and use this command to run the GUI:

conda env create -f ai8x.yml
conda activate ai8x
cd demo
python -c COM4

GUI usuage

Click the Load Image button and then select the image in test_images folder.

Once you selected the test image, it will show the detection results on the GUI, including the top-3 classification results and detection bounding box, as follows: