Awesome-Trojan-Attack-in-AI Awesome

A curated, but probably biased and incomplete, list of awesome Trojan Attack in AI resources.

If you want to contribute to this list, feel free to pull a request. Also you can contact Ruixiang Tang from the Data Lab at Texas A&M University through email:, or Twitter @Ruixiang Tang.

What is Trojan Attack in AI?

With the widespread use of deep neural networks (DNNs) in highstake applications, the security problem of the DNN models has received extensive attention. Trojan attack aims to attack deployed DNN systems relying on the hidden trigger patterns inserted by malicious developers or hackers.

Before the final model packaging, malicious developers or hackers intentionally insert trojans into DNNs. During the inference phase, an infected model with injected trojan performs normally on original tasks while behaves incorrectly with inputs stamped with special triggers.

Trojan Attack

Trojan Defense

Applications in Intellectual Property Protection
