
Multi captcha package for CodeIgniter 4.x. Support Arcaptcha(a free and professional Iranian product),Bibot(a free Iranian product),Recaptcha(an googel product) and hCaptcha.Comes with rate limiting support.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Farsi | English

CI Multi Captcha(CIMC)

This package can be used for Codigniter Framework version 4 and above. This package supports 4 captcha services, including Arcaptcha service (professional captcha service, including image guessing, puzzles, etc. made in Iran), Bibot (puzzle captcha service made in Iran), Recaptcha (made by Google) and hCaptcha. The user of this package can specify which captcha to use or specify that a captcha be selected at random. support with rate limiting.


Installation video tutorial

Here are tutorials on setting up, installing and how to use this package properly. For information on how to use this package correctly, please watch the uploaded videos. tutorials videos in Youtube

How to install on the Codigniter framework

The first method: by composer

Installation is best done via Composer. Assuming Composer is installed globally, you may use the following command:

composer require datamweb/codeigniter-multi-captcha:dev-main

The second method: manually

First, download the latest version of the package. Then extract the downloaded zip file in the app/ThirdParty path. Now go to app/Config . Add the following to the Autoload.php file and save the file.

    public $psr4 = [
	//Add this line
        'Datamweb\CIMC' 	        => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty\CIMultiCaptcha',

In the next step, go to the app/Config path and add the following values in the Validation.php file.

    public $ruleSets = [
        // Add this line
    public $templates = [
        // Add this line
        'CIMC_ERRORS_LIST'      => 'Datamweb\CIMC\Validation\Views\_list.php',
        // Add this line
        'CIMC_ERRORS_SINGLE'    => 'Datamweb\CIMC\Validation\Views\_single.php',

In the next step, go to the app/Config path and add the following values in the Filters.php file. Note:: This feature is supported from version V1.0.2pre-alpha onwards. With this feature you can enable RateLimit. Activity rate limit parameters can be edited through file app/ThirdParty/CIMultiCaptcha/Config/MultiCaptchaCIConfig.php. Rate limiting is often employed to stop bad bots from negatively impacting a website or application. Bot attacks that rate limiting can help mitigate include:Brute force attacks,DoS and DDoS attacks,Web scraping. More info about rate Limit.

    public $aliases = [
        //add for mix rate limit and captcha
        'rate_limit_by_captcha' => \Datamweb\CIMC\Filters\RateLimitByCaptcha::class,
    public $filters = [
        //add for mix rate limit and captcha in all url
        'rate_limit_by_captcha' => ['before' => ['/*']]

Demo Rate Limiting :: number_of_action : 5 ,captcha_name: hcaptcha

Demo Rate Limiting

The default activity rate parameters in file MultiCaptchaCIConfig.php are as follows, you can decide to false or change at any time.

    public $rateLimit=[
        'rate_limit_on'                         =>   true,                              //(true | false)
        'number_of_action'                      =>   25,                                //number of tokens the bucket holds
        'refill_period'                         =>   HOUR,                              //amount of time it takes the bucket to refill (SECOND |MINUTE|HOUR|DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR|DECADE)
        'captcha_name'                          =>   'recaptcha',                       //The name of the captcha used on the Rate Limit page. (arcaptcha|recaptcha|hcaptcha|bibot)
        'rate_limit_view'                       =>   'Datamweb\CIMC\Views\rate_limit',           //The view of used on the Rate Limit page.

Package configuration file

Before using this package, you need to receive two dedicated keys from each of the Captcha servers. In order to receive the keys, you must register in each of the Captcha servers and receive the keys. for receive Arcaptcha service keys to Arcaptcha registration address , for receive Bibot keys to Bibot registration address, for receive recaptcha keys to Recaptcha registration address and for receive hcaptcha keys to hCaptcha registration address . Get the keys to act. Then go to a app/ThirdParty/CIMultiCaptcha/Config and replace the relevant site_key and secret_key keys in the MultiCaptchaCIConfig.php file. If you need to change the color, theme, size and... proceed through this file. In the case of the captcha language, the package defaults to any language set in the CI framework and displays the captcha in the same language. If you need to customize the captcha language, set the lang values through this file. Important point in this regard, the two Iranian servers (Arcaptcha and Bibot) support only two languages Persian (fa) and English (en), this restriction is related to captcha servers and not the package.

How to use (CIMC)

In general, how to use this package will be in two ways. The first method is to select the service by the programmer, for example, the programmer intends to use only the recaptcha service, so he must follow the blue path according to the diagram below. The next item is the programmer has no role in specifying the service. The system randomly selects one of the services, to do this you have to follow the black path.

  flowchart LR;
      A[CI MULTI CHAPTCHA]-->B{Select captcha service by developer?};
      classDef c-Rc color:#022e1f,fill:#1a73e8;
      classDef c-Hc color:#022e1f,fill:#22c5c7;
      classDef c-Ac color:#022e1f,fill:#867ee2;
      classDef c-Bc color:#022e1f,fill:#ccc;
      classDef black color:#fff,fill:#000;
      B--YES-->C[How to use?]:::black;
      C-->U[I choose recaptcha.]:::c-Rc;
      U--Views-->Q["echo CIMC_JS('recaptcha');\n echo CIMC_ERROR(); \n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'recaptcha']);"]:::c-Rc;
      U--Controller-->W["CIMC_FIELD('recaptcha) => CIMC_RULE(),"]:::c-Rc;

      C-->H[I choose hcaptcha.]:::c-Hc;
      H--Views-->J["echo CIMC_JS('hcaptcha');\n echo CIMC_ERROR(); \n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'hcaptcha']);"]:::c-Hc;
      H--Controller-->G["CIMC_FIELD('hcaptcha) => CIMC_RULE(),"]:::c-Hc;
      C-->I[I choose arcaptcha.]:::c-Ac;
      I--Views-->O["echo CIMC_JS('arcaptcha');\n echo CIMC_ERROR(); \n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'arcaptcha']);"]:::c-Ac;
      I--Controller-->P["CIMC_FIELD('arcaptcha) => CIMC_RULE(),"]:::c-Ac;
      C-->X[I choose bibot.]:::c-Bc;
      X--Views-->V["echo CIMC_JS('bibot');\n echo CIMC_ERROR(); \n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'bibot']);"]:::c-Bc;
      X--Controller-->N["CIMC_FIELD('bibot) => CIMC_RULE(),"]:::c-Bc;
      B--NO-->D[How to use?]:::black;
      D---Views:::black-->F["echo CIMC_JS('randomcaptcha');\n echo CIMC_ERROR();\n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'randomcaptcha']);"]:::black; 
      D---Controller:::black-->T["CIMC_FIELD('archaptcha,recaptcha,hcaptcha,bibot') => CIMC_RULE(),"]:::black; 

To improve

This package is provided as an open source. If you need to talk, come up with an idea, etc. via discussions Also, if there is a bug, please register via issues . If you are a programmer, please try to better participate in coding through pulls . We need each and every one of you to improve.