
PowerShell module to managed Aruba Central (Cloud)

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a Powershell module for manage Aruba Central

With this module (version 0.2.0) you can manage:

  • Inventory (Add/Get Devices, Add/Get/Remove Archived Devices, Get Stats)

There is some extra feature

More functionality will be added later.

Tested with Aruba Central ( Region EU-1 )


All resource management functions are available with the Powershell verbs GET, ADD, SET, REMOVE.


  • Powershell 5 or 6.x/7.x (Core) (If possible get the latest version)
  • An Aruba Central Account


Install the module

# Automated installation (Powershell 5 and later):
    Install-Module PowerArubaCL

# Import the module
    Import-Module PowerArubaCL

# Get commands in the module
    Get-Command -Module PowerArubaCL

# Get help
    Get-Help Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -Full


Connecting to Aruba Central using API

The first thing to do is to get API client_id/client_secret and customer_id

Go on WebGUI of your Aruba Central, on API Gateway (in the Account Home Page)
Go on My Apps & Tokens or System Apps & Tokens (for Admin Account) and click on Add Apps & Tokens

Create a New Token

  • Application: an application name (for example PowerArubaCL)
  • Redirect URI: empty (it is optional)
  • Application: Network Operations

Click on Generate

now copy Client ID and Client Secret, you will need for connect

Go now on the configuration for get the customer id it is available on the top right
Copy Customer ID value

After connect to Aruba Central with the command Connect-ArubaCL :

# Connect to the Aruba Central using Token
    Connect-ArubaCL -region EU-1 -client_id MyClientId -client_secret MyClientSecret -customer_id MyCustomerId

    PowerShell credential request
    Please enter administrative credential for your Aruba Central
    User: cl@poweraruba.net
    Password for user cl@poweraruba.net: **********
    Name                           Value
    ----                           -----
    session                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
    invokeParams                   {}
    server                         eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com
    access_token                   565kubYCyDEEaJ4s3zs40yvgtxGTG4Lv
    headers                        {Content-type, Accept, Authorization}


You can get Inventory Devices

# get IAP Devices
    Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP

    aruba_part_no : AP-505-RW
    customer_id   : 987b69ccdfb03124feeb4a847b9f54d2
    customer_name : PowerArubaCL
    device_type   : iap
    imei          : 
    macaddr       : B8:3A:5A:1C:22:1C
    model         : R2H28A
    serial        : CNJNK0N7PP
    services      : {}
    tier_type     :

# Add Devices (need to known Mac Address and Serial Number)
    Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -mac FC:7F:F2:88:11:22 -serial CNLBAD3C5DT


# Get Device Stats
    Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesStats -type IAP -service dm

    licensed total
    -------- -----
          44    99

# Get Archived Devices

    aruba_part_no : AP-505-RW
    customer_id   : 987b69ccdfb03124feeb4a847b9f54d2
    customer_name : PowerArubaCL
    device_type   : iap
    imei          :
    macaddr       : B8:3A:5A:1C:22:1C
    model         : R2H28A
    serial        : CNJNK0N7PP

# Add Devices to Archive (need to known Serial Number)
    Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CNJNK0N7PP


# Remove Devices to Archive (need to known Serial Number)
    Remove-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CNJNK0N7PP


Invoke API

for example to get

# get list of Group

    Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri "configuration/v2/groups?limit=20&offset=0"

    data                           total
    ----                           -----
    {MyPowerArubaCL-Group}             1

to get API uri, go to Aruba Central Swagger (https://eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com/swagger/central) (need to be connected)


it is possible to connect on same times to Aruba Central account You need to use -connection parameter to cmdlet

For example to get Devices for 2 different Aruba Central account

# Connect to first Aruba Central Account
    $cl1 = Connect-ArubaCL -Region EU-1 -DefaultConnection:$false

#DefaultConnection set to false is not mandatory but only don't set the connection info on global variable

# Connect to second Aruba Central Account
    $cl2 = Connect-ArubaCL -Region EU-1 -DefaultConnection:$false

# Get number of Devices of first Aruba Central Account
    (Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP -connection $cl1).count


# Get number of Devices of Second Aruba Central Account
    (Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP -connection $cl2).count


#Each cmdlet can use -connection parameter


By default, the (access) token is valid for 7200 seconds (2 hours), PowerArubaCL store the refresh_token (valid for 14days ?) and automatically update (access) token when it is expired (or it will be expire on less of 15 minutes). If you need to renew token before you can use Update-ArubaCLRefreshToken cmdlet


Following API call, it is possible to have a limit return result. For Example Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices return by default only the 50th first devices. if there is more of 50 devices, you get a warning,

    (Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP).count
    WARNING: There is extra items use -limit parameter to display

it is possible to specific the limit and the offset

    (Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP -limit 1000).count

For Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod, you can also use limit and offset parameter


# Disconnect from Aruba Central

How to contribute

Contribution and feature requests are more than welcome. Please use the following methods:

  • For bugs and issues, please use the issues register with details of the problem.
  • For Feature Requests, please use the issues register with details of what's required.
  • For code contribution (bug fixes, or feature request), please request fork PowerArubaCL, create a feature/fix branch, add tests if needed then submit a pull request.


Currently, @alagoutte started this project and will keep maintaining it. Reach out to me via Twitter, Email (see top of file) or the issues Page here on GitHub. If you want to contribute, also get in touch with me.

List of available command



Alexis La Goutte


  • Cédric Moreau
  • cmcknz77
  • Zak

Sort by name (git shortlog -s)

Special Thanks

  • Warren F. for his blog post 'Building a Powershell module'
  • Erwan Quelin for help about Powershell
  • François-Xavier Cat (@lazywinadmin) for Format/Clean MAC Address


Copyright 2021 Alexis La Goutte and the community.