
  • Navigate to forestry
  • If you have not been added as a collaborator, initialize the repo using the master branch.
  • If you are already a collaborator, edit away!

Running Locally ():

You should only run locally if you want to do template or layout edits. Workshops and Lab Reports should be edited through Forestry.

  • Install Hugo
  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/datapartnership/wbdatalab_org.git
  • In the directory, run hugo serve -D -E -F
  • The site will be available at http://localhost:1313 in your browser

Deployment and Workflow

The workflow is as follows:

  • Make edits on the master or feature branches.
  • Once a commit is made to master, a Github Action builds the site and commits the result to gh-pages.
  • The site is deployed through Github's environment. It is available at wbdatalab.org per GoDaddy configured A Records and CNAME.

Deploying on WB Intranet

  • If you have just made edits, wait until the deployment is complete to the gh-pages branch.
  • Click on this link. It will download the zip archive of the current gh-pages.
  • Extract the contents of the wbdatalab_org-gh-pages folder within the archive to \\websiteqaint\wwdevdatalab replacing the files already there.
  • Create a new release in TFS.
  • After a few minues, check out datalab/ to make sure all is well.

Folders and Files

If a folder is not included in the list below, please don't edit there

  • /content/

    • All folders here except /lab-reports/ and /workshops-and-clinics/ are placeholders, since most pages on the site are custom and don't follow a set pattern.
    • The folders mentioned above are editable in Forestry.
  • /layout/

    • /partials/: contains pieces of content reused throughout the site.
      • /base/: Footer / header / navbar used across the site.
      • /blocks/: Section cards for the front page, workshops listing, lab reports listing, directory, etc.
      • /list-partials/: Workshops lists page, other list pages.
      • /single-pages/: Single pages (not linked ATM).
  • /static/

    • Contains everything that will be exported to the /public/ folder; Includes JS, SCSS and images.
  • config.toml

    • Contains various pieces of contant reused across the site. Change it here, it changes everywhere.