
A read-only public repository of the R API Client for the DataRobot Public API.

Primary LanguageR

datarobot: 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API

GitHub R package version (subdirectory of monorepo) GitHub R package version (subdirectory of monorepo)

A read-only public repository of the R API Client for the DataRobot Public API. For working with the 'DataRobot' predictive modeling platform's API <https://www.datarobot.com/>.


To install the latest official release, use:

install_github("datarobot/rsdk", subdir = "datarobot.apicore", ref = github_release())
install_github("datarobot/rsdk", subdir = "datarobot", ref = github_release())

You can find specific installation instructions for each release under GitHub Releases.


The changelog for the R API Client can be found in NEWS.md in the datarobot package.


If you have feedback or questions on the R API Client, please ask on DataRobot Community.