
How to Deploy DataSage

System prerequisite - Linux Operating System

1. Install DataSage Server

Get installation script from

Go to /tmp folder and create a file with (vi editor) from content of file. Give execute permission for file Execute as below


Start the Datasage server as below:

datasage 2>@1 &

You will see message "gRPC server on 8089 port started"

2. Install DataSage-CLI application

Go to a /tmp directory or any working Linux System

Download DataSage-CLI Binary from github as below:

curl -L -o datasage-cli.tar.gz

Unzip the downloaded file as below:

gunzip datasage-cli.tar.gz

Untar the file as below:

tar -xvf datasage-cli.tar

File datasage-cli will be found in the directory ./datasage-cli Issue command as below:

./datasage-cli datasource list
  • When you get response as "No Data" it indicates that no datasource is found

Installation is complete now

How add a Datasource (MySQL)

./datasage-cli datasource add --name <nameOfDataSource> --description <descriptionOfDatabase> --type mysql --version 8 --host <dbhostname> --port <portnumber> --user <user> --password <password> 
  • Example When one have a MySQl DB running with following information
    host: localhost port: 3306 user: root password: 'Accuknox@123' Invoke datasource add command with following input:
./datasage-cli datasource add --name Org1Analytics --description "Org1 production data scanning with datasage" --type mysql --version 8 --host localhost --port 3306 --user user1 --password  user1dbpassword --datadomain prod 

Wait for few secconds... Command will reponse as below: "Data Source added for Scanning"

How to list the Datasources configured in DataSage

Invoke command as below:

./datasage-cli datasource list

Reponse will be as below:

1 prod Org1Analytics Org1 production data scanning with DataSage mysql 8

How to list the Classes in the system

Invoke command as below:

./datasage-cli class list

Reponse will be as below:

1 Phone Number Contains Phone Number
2 Drivers License ID Contains Drivers License ID Number
3 Social Security Contains Social Security Number
4 Passport Contains Passport Number
5 Taxpayer Contains Taxpayer Number
6 Electoral Roll Contains Electoral Roll Number
7 National Insurance Contains National Insurance Number
8 Medical Beneficiary Contains Medical Beneficiary Number
9 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Contains Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
10 Unique Device Identifier Contains Unique Device Identifier
11 Health Insurance Claim Contains Health Insurance Claim Number

How to list the Tags in the system

Invoke command as below

./datasage-cli tag list

Reponse will be as below:

1 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Phone Number]
2 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation [Phone Number]
3 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation [Drivers License ID Number]
4 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Drivers License ID Number]
5 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Social Security Number]
6 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Passport Number]
7 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Taxpayer Number]
8 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation [Taxpayer Number]
9 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation [National Insurance Number]
10 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation [Electoral Roll Number]
11 PHI Protected Health Information [Medical Beneficiary Number]
12 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Medical Beneficiary Number]
13 PHI Protected Health Information [Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System]
14 PII Personally Identifiable Information [Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System]
15 UDI Unique Device Identifier [Unique Device Identifier]
16 HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [Health Insurance Claim Number]

How to view scan log for a configured datasource

To view the scan logs of Org1Analytics complete datasource Invoke command as below:

./datasage-cli datasource  logs -datasource Org1Analytics

To view the scan logs of northwind DB of Org1Analytics datasource

./datasage-cli datasource  logs -datasource Org1Analytics  -database northwind

To view the scan logs of employeetable of northwind DB of Org1Analytics datasource

./datasage-cli datasource  logs -datasource Org1Analytics  -database northwind -table employee