- 0
- 0
skynet data
#38 opened by jaimebayes - 1
no pre-trained weights provided
#36 opened by margokhokhlova - 0
Implement signed distance transform
#12 opened by phil8192 - 0
Class rebalancing
#26 opened by phil8192 - 0
Get theano working on macbook
#27 opened by phil8192 - 0
Model parameter versioning
#28 opened by phil8192 - 0
- 0
tidy up and make repo public.
#34 opened by phil8192 - 0
- 0
Google satellite image API pre-processing
#9 opened by phil8192 - 1
Setup github
#1 opened by phil8192 - 3
Identify satellite training data (we hope to find pre-labelled images) perhaps from Kaggle?
#4 opened by phil8192 - 4
- 1
- 0
Clean code + repo
#18 opened by phil8192 - 0
- 0
Make notebook with training methodology, results + visualisation of segmentation produced by model on test set
#17 opened by phil8192 - 0
feed forward single image
#30 opened by phil8192 - 0
Slides for GEOS visit
#29 opened by phil8192 - 2
feedforward + visualise
#20 opened by phil8192 - 1
Setup cuda on gpu machine
#23 opened by phil8192 - 0
- 0
- 1
Train model on skynet-data
#16 opened by phil8192 - 0
Cache training data
#21 opened by phil8192 - 0
Error when checking model target
#22 opened by phil8192 - 1
Prepare skynet-data to feed to model
#15 opened by phil8192 - 0
Choose model to implement first
#13 opened by phil8192 - 0
Implement (selected) model
#14 opened by phil8192 - 0
Identify existing models - including off the shelf/pre-trained + different architectures + non-neural network specific techniques.
#6 opened by phil8192 - 5
Use mapbox satellite tiles + open street map land use masks from Skynet to form a training/validation set
#11 opened by phil8192 - 1
Evaluate skynet-data
#10 opened by phil8192 - 1
Identify potential satellite data with bias toward open/non-proprietary datasets.
#5 opened by phil8192 - 3
Define project success criteria
#2 opened by phil8192 - 0
Define project brief using campus template
#3 opened by phil8192 - 0