

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP Laravel application that handles bookings. Live at https://bokning.datasektionen.se.


There will be an API for Pandora. The API will located at /api (https://bokning.datasektionen.se/api).

API endpoints

When the API is implemented, there will exist some endpoints. The following endpoints are based on the above API URL. Note that these are not implemented yet.

GET /events/{entityId}/{year}/{week}          Returns all events for the given week as JSON

Required environment variables


### ALT 1
### END ALT 1

### ALT 2
### END ALT 2

LOGIN_API_KEY=[the key]
SPAM_API_KEY=[the key]

If you set up locally, DB_HOST should likely be localhost. If you set up with docker it should be set to mysql.

The DB_CONNECTION determines which type of database is used. Default is mysql but allowed values are: sqlite, mysql, pgsql, and sqlsrv.


Random features are implemented at a random speed. Post an issue, and maybe it will be implemented. One day.

Installation and setup

Using Docker

This project is set up using Sail which uses Docker. To first install the project you can run the following command to install sail and all other dependencies.:

docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Now sail is available as a command as ./vendor/bin/sail. If you want you can alias the command, like:

alias sail=./vendor/bin/sail

To run the project, including setting up a mysql database based on .env variables, run:

sail up

# Or to run in the background
sail up -d

# To stop you can use CTRL + C or if it running in the background:
sail stop

It should now be running on localhost:80. If it is running for the first time you should start by migrating the database (command listed below).

Running Commands

# Migrate Database
sail artisan migrate

# Run tests
sail test

# Generate APP_KEY
sail artisan key:generate

Other locally running services

Keep in mind that from the Docker container's point of view: localhost is the container itself, your local machine is reachable at host.docker.internal.

So, for example, if you have a local pls instance on port 6000 to test for different permissions, the PLS_API_URL can be set in .env as:



You will need to have PHP and Composer installed. The Docker container uses PHP version 8.1 but other versions could work. You should also set up a database, for example a mysql database.

Then run:

# Install dependencies
composer install

# Generate APP_KEY
php artisan key:generate

# Migrate database
php artisan migrate

# Run tests
php artisan test

# Start server
php artisan serve

At least I think that is how it works, I haven't tested running it this way. Feel free to update this section or remove this comment if it actually does work this way.

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